[OPLINLIST] Please pass this along to your library's current techie types
Chad Neeper
cneeper at level9networks.com
Sun May 3 21:42:13 EDT 2015
My dad (who, by the way, has recently turned 70, recently
retired...again...but this time from the library, and is now spending much
of his time...at the library sitting at the same desk he's been at for the
last 10+ years [but doing the *fun* stuff now - genealogy - and *not* so
much the work stuff]) suggested to me a few weeks ago that it seemed like
participation on the OPLINTECH list is lower than it used to be. We
theorized that with turnover in library techs, new employees may not be
made aware of the list. Well, being a geek that likes a nice clean list of
data, I used the excuse of learning about the latest charts enhancements in
LibreOffice Calc to visualize what the numbers say. (For those firmly
entrenched in Microsoft World, by the way, Calc is the open source
community's equivalent to Microsoft Excel.) So, I pulled the monthly number
of messages from the OPLINTECH archives and am happy to see that it doesn't
really look like participation has changed much in the last few years. We
had a particularly good run in 2008-2010. It's declined a little bit since
then, but not too bad.
Anyway, it seemed like a bit of a waste to spend a whole 20 minutes
entering data and throwing together a graph...and then just delete it. I
wasn't even trying to prove a point or settle a bet! So I decided to waste
another 20 minutes composing this message, screwing it up, and completely
re-typing it just to ask if you would pass along the OPLINTECH sign-up link
to your current techie types on the off-chance that they're not already a
member of the list.
This is it: http://www.oplin.org/content/oplintech
I do most of my own public messaging on OPLINTECH and I just wanted to try
to help maximize its exposure. It seems a bit of a self-serving request...
But I'll get over it. :-)
Thanks all and have a great day!
Ps. Naturally of course, I have no authority, responsibility, control, etc.
over the OPLINTECH list. I consider myself lucky to not be tarred,
feathered, and run out of town since I'm just another computer company
parasite feeding off of the libraries I love (the *nerve*...!) The lists
are totally OPLIN's good deeds. I'm just a fan. But feel free to send me
hate-mail off-list. (Or on-list...that could be fun, too!)
*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer
*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)
*Full IT/Computer consulting services -- Specialized in libraries and
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