[OPLINLIST] Press Release Kelton House Civil War Program

Kelton House Museum keltonhouse at cs.com
Thu May 14 11:17:07 EDT 2015

 Same press release attached.

Contact: Georgeanne Reuter
keltonhouse at cs.com
Kelton House Museumand Garden Announces
Civil War Program
(Columbus,May 14, 2015)  
LivingHell, the Dark Side of the Civil War
Perhaps because the United States has not seen conventional war onits own soil since 1865, the collective memory of the Civil War has faded, sothat we have sanitized and romanticized the experience. Living Hell, the DarkSide of the Civil War, taken from the book by the same name, presents a starkportrait of the human costs of the Civil War and will give attendees a more accurateappreciation of its profound and lasting consequences. Author Michael C.C.Adams will present this program on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at theKelton House Museum, 586 E. Town Street. Admission is $5/person. Reservationsare recommended. Call 614-464-2022 for reservations.
FreeParking is available in the Museum lot on Franklin Avenue.
Visitwww.keltonhouse.comfor more information about the Kelton House Museum & Garden.
General Information
TheKelton House Museum & Garden is located at 586 E. Town Street in downtown Columbus.  Built in 1852 by Fernando Cortez and SophiaStone Kelton, the House has been preserved with Kelton family treasures fromthe 1800s.  Strong abolitionists, theKelton family hid fugitive slaves and gave long term support to a particularAfrican-American family. In 1975, when Grace Kelton, the granddaughter ofFernando and Sophia, died, her will entrusted the property to the ColumbusFoundation with the stipulation that her family home be preserved and used as amuseum of local history and the decorative arts. In 1976, The Junior League ofColumbus took on the task of renovating and restoring the house and garden tocreate a museum of 19th-century life.
Today,the Kelton House Museumand Garden is a community service of the Junior League of Columbus that offersan ongoing program of house tours, special events and educationalopportunities. An active volunteer program provides a training ground forindividuals interested in historic preservation, the decorative arts, AmericanHistory and museum management.
TheKelton House was honored to receive the 2014 Ohio Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Holiday Cultural Awareness Award for its Underground Railroad Learning Stationprograms, the Museum’s signature educational program.
Formore information about the Kelton House Museum and Garden please visitwww.keltonhouse.com or call 614.464.2022.
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Kelton House Museum & Garden
A Service of the Junior League of Columbus
586 East Town Street
Columbus, OH 43215
keltonhouse at cs.com

Visit our websites:

Tour the Kelton House Museum & Garden
Docent-led Tour Sunday 1, 2 & 3 pm
Audio Tour is available:
Saturday 1-4 pm
Sunday 1 - 4 pm
Monday-Friday 10 am - 4 pm
Last Audio Tour begins at 3 pm

Click the link below to
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The Friends of Kelton House


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