[OPLINLIST] Charleston County (SC) Public Library Executive Director position available

Karen Miller karenmiller at BradburyMiller.com
Thu Apr 21 13:10:20 EDT 2016

[CCPL Teal full logo -4 (2)]

Charleston County Public Library System seeks innovative, new Executive Director

The Charleston County Public Library System<http://www.ccpl.org/> seeks an Executive Director to blend the area's historical connections to learning with an innovative, collaborative vision that focuses on excellence and growing opportunities for lifelong learning.  The CCPL offers rewarding and exciting career challenges for the successful candidate thanks to a building and renovation program<http://www.pressomatic.com/ccpl/upload/Postcard%209-16-14%201sheet.pdf> funded through the 2014 approval of a $108.5 million bond referendum by three quarters of County voters.  The new library leader will expand and improve the system's superb services, outstanding programs and exceptional customer experiences.

The new Executive Director will work with the Board, staff and County officials to build five libraries -- two new buildings and three replacement facilities -- as well as an administrative center and renovations at 13 existing locations.  The Executive Director will lead the System's continuing efforts to grow virtual services, overhaul technologies, create innovative content and build sustainable partnerships with businesses and community organizations.

Currently, CCPL's 16 locations serve more than 389,000 county residents.  It has an annual budget of $16 million through a county appropriation, a staff of 221 FTEs and a dynamic Friends of the Library organization.  The board is also exploring development of a library foundation.  For more information on Charleston County, the Library and the position, please visit Charleston links<http://www.gossagesager.com/charlestonlinks.htm>.

Compensation. The starting salary range is $115,973 to $151,250 (with placement dependent on experience and qualifications) with a competitive benefits package.

For further information, please visit Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates<http://www.gossagesager.com>. Apply via email with a meaningful cover letter and resume as Word or PDF attachments to Dan Bradbury<mailto:danbradbury at gossagesager.com>. This position will close May 29, 2016.


Karen E. Miller, M.L.S.
Managing Consultant
Bradbury Associates/Miller Associates
(formerly Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates)
karenmiller at bradburymiller.com<mailto:karenmiller at bradburymiller.com>

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