[OPLINLIST] Program Planning Worksheet

Dia Thomas dia.thomas at barbertonlibrary.org
Thu Aug 18 14:23:05 EDT 2016

Hello ladies,

In the past I have used this form to keep track of my program planning progress.  I can't take credit for its creation, because I received it from another library.  I adapted it to fit our needs here in Barberton.  If it can help you in any way you are more than welcome to use it.

Dia S. Thomas, MLS

AV/Reference Librarian
Barberton Public Library

Barberton, OH 44203

From: OPLINLIST <oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org> on behalf of Robin Heintz <RHeintz at piqualibrary.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 10:15:55 AM
To: oplinlist at lists.oplin.org
Subject: [OPLINLIST] Program Planning Worksheet

Hi Folks - I am in the midst of creating a Program Planning Worksheet for our staff. It should have an event description, milestones, etc., so that almost anyone can create or take responsibility for an event, or cover for someone that is ill. Do any of you use such a thing? I would REALLY appreciate seeing what you have. Thanks in advance! rheintz at piqualibrary.org<mailto:rheintz at piqualibrary.org>


Robin Heintz
Marketing Specialist
Chair of Programming
Piqua Public Library
937-773-6753 ext. 215
rheintz at piqualibrary.org<mailto:rheintz at piqualibrary.org>

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