[OPLINLIST] Fwd: SWON Weekly: Why you should care about digital equity

Cassondra Vick cassondra at swonlibraries.org
Thu Jun 2 15:51:51 EDT 2016

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*SWON serves libraries in Kentucky and Ohio *

SWON Libraries // Weekly
[image: SWON Libraries Weeekly]
What's "digital equity" and why should I care?

Almost exactly 80 years ago, in May of 1936, the Rural Electrification Act
was signed. This act provided electricity to rural areas where the power
companies did not find it profitable to extend wires. Twenty or so years
ago, the term “digital divide” was born. This phrase -- meant to
distinguish between the haves and have-nots of technology and computer
literacy -- is probably a familiar one to you. Libraries and schools, in an
attempt to address this problem, began adding computers, Ethernet, Wi-Fi,
and computer training, and have largely succeeded in their missions to
provide on-site technology and technology training.

Now, decades later, we are talking about a different sort of problem – one
more closely related to the one that the Rural Electrification Act was
created to address – and it is being called “digital equity.” Digital equity
is the idea that, when it comes to broadband access, there are “haves” and
“have-nots.”  Many areas of the county lack the actual ability to connect
to broadband because they live where the cables just don’t (or often won’t)

A quick look at the data available from Connect Ohio
an organization dedicated to bringing broadband access to Ohio, shows that
Southwestern Ohio (that’s the S.W.O. in SWON, of course!) is surprisingly
lacking in broadband
penetration. But you might be wondering what this has to do with libraries.
After all, we can’t lay the fiber optic cable ourselves!

There are many new and innovative ideas bubbling to address just this
question. A few libraries are looking into providing access via “TV White
Space.” Others are lending out Wi-Fi hotspots. The Consortium for School
has some great ideas that, while targeted at schools, are worth our
consideration, as well. (You can download the CoSN Digital Equity Action
Toolkit for some of those ideas at this link

Interested in learning more? Melanie has recently returned from the National
Digital Inclusion Alliance’s first summit in Kansas City
and would love to share with you some of what she has learned. Join us on
June 20th at 2 PM
to for our Innovation Conversation on the basics on Digital Inclusion and
answer the question, “Why should you care?”

~ *Cassondra Vick, Technology Educator, SWON Libraries *
[image: Innovation Conversations]

Join us for our Digital Equity Innovation Conversation Innovation
Conversations give you the chance to hear from and speak with library
leaders from all library types and from all over the English speaking
library world. Each month you can interact with an award-winning or
recognized leader in our field.

The first part of the online meeting will feature a short presentation on
the topic that brought this library leader to our attention. The second
part is a live interview, covering questions you’ve sent to us in advance
and some we’ve thought of. The third part will field your questions, a live
Q&A, in the webinar. Ask about the challenges, the key details, and
whatever else you would like to learn.

[image: Momnet discount]

Contact Rick Hughes at rick.hughes at momnet.com and mention your membership
for discount

MOM provides...

MULTIFUNCTION SYSTEMS – Most refer to them as “copiers,” but they are so
much more. MOM implements the right technology to vastly improve your
office productivity and efficiency while lowering administrative expenses.

MANAGED PRINT SERVICES (MPS) – Optimizing output devices to dramatically
reduce the cost of your printer fleet (up to 30%) and allowing you to
concentrate on your business versus your printers.

DOCUMENT WORKFLOW – Simplifying how you create, capture, manage, access,
and distribute your documents within your business’ processes.

PRODUCTION PRINT – This equipment offers scalability coupled with fast
output, superior image quality, and simple operation even during peak
volume demands.

MOBILE SOLUTIONS – We take your mobile devices to the next level and
increase your productivity by extending back office business applications
directly from your mobile device.

MANAGED SERVICES – MOM provides outsourcing of day-to-day management
responsibilities as a strategic method for improving our clients’
operations. This can include IT services, production support, and
administrative activities.

Join SLA for a Manufactory Tour on Wednesday July 27th
Do you like to create, but lack what you need to bring your vision to
reality? Are there things you would like to learn how to do, and have a
place to do them? Would you like to share your special skills with others
while learning new things? If your answer is yes to any of these questions,
please join the SLA Cincinnati Chapter for a tour of the area’s premier
publicly accessible makerspace!

The Manufactory is a 17,000 sq. ft. membership workshop in northern
Cincinnati. Their workshops are chock full of equipment and tools, and it
is the perfect place for anyone who likes to build things.  As Cincinnati’s
only fully equipped makerspace, The Manufactory offers a location to
learning new skills and gain confidence with the making experience.
Additionally, their extensive educational program is designed to teach
everyone how to safely operate all equipment. If you’ve ever wanted to
expand the reach of your library in a new exciting direction, you need to
attend this event!

Date and Time:
Wednesday, July 27th from 5:30 – 6:30 pm with a social event (including
appetizers) following the tour at: Brij Mohan Indian

Tour Address:
The Manufactory: 12055 Mosteller Rd. Cincinnati, OH ?45241
Location Map

Social Event Address:
Brij Mohan Indian: 11259 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45241
Location Map


Available on site.
Questions: Please contact Mike Wells at wellsm6 at nku.edu or (859) 572-6026.
  Register Here!
[image: Coming up on the calendar...]
* Please register for online classes at least two days before they take
place. *

   - *Booklist Webinar — Reading the Rainbow
      - Cost: *FREE*
   *6/7/2016 - Online *

   - *Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference
      - Cost: $95 (non-SWON event)
   *6/9/2016 to 6/10/2016 - Indianapolis, IN *

   - *Children's Literature Evaluation and Review Interest Group (CLEAR) -
      - Cost: $50 *per year* for employees of Supporting Member Institutions
       to Join CLEAR

      $100 *per year* for everyone else to Join CLEAR

      Free books included with cost!
   *6/9/2016 - Covington, KY *

   - *Children's Literature Evaluation and Review Interest Group (CLEAR)-OH
      - Cost: $50 *per year* for employees of Supporting Member Institutions
       to Join CLEAR

      $100 *per year* for everyone else to Join CLEAR

      Free books included with cost!
   *6/10/2016 - Blue Ash, OH *

   - *Webinar: STEAM Programming in a Diverse Setting
      - Cost: *FREE* (an Infopeople event)
   *6/14/2016 - Online *

   - *Free Online Event: Defining the Library as Classroom
      - Cost: *FREE* (a Library 2.0 event)
   *6/15/2016 - Online *

   - *Webinar: Choosing Optimism For Success: Putting Positive Psychology
   to Work for You!
      - Cost: *FREE* for employees of Supporting Member Institutions

      $20 for members in our Ohio service area

      $40 for everyone else
   *6/16/2016 - Online *

   - *Webinar: The Thinking Person's Guide to Stress Management

      - Cost: *FREE* for employees of
      Member Institutions

      $20 for members in our Ohio service area

      $40 for everyone else
   *06/21/2016- Online *

Save the date for these events...

   - * Technical Services Special Interest Group
   7/21/2016 - Cincinnati, Ohio
   - * Get to know us at the Summer Cookout!
   7/31/2016 - Lebanon, Ohio
   - * Level-Up Lab: Project Management 101
   8/10/2016 - Blue Ash, Ohio
   - * 21st Annual Picture Book Read-In
   8/23/2016 - West Chester, OH
   - * 2016 KLA/KASL Joint Conference
   9/21/2016 to 9/24/2016 - Louisville, KY
   - * Association for Small and Rural Libraries (ARSL) 2016
   10/27/2016 to 10/29/2016 - Fargo, ND

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SWON Libraries

10250 Alliance Road, Suite 112
Blue Ash, OH 45242
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