[OPLINLIST] Fwd: SWON Weekly: Are webinars best? Also, join us for a cookout and more!

Cassondra Vick cassondra at swonlibraries.org
Wed Jun 8 09:55:28 EDT 2016

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*SWON serves libraries in Kentucky and Ohio *

SWON Libraries // Weekly
[image: SWON Libraries Weeekly]
The Great Training Debate

When it comes to training, webinars and online courses have their
advantages –  as someone who completed her Master’s in Library and
Information Science program as a distance student, you certainly aren’t
going to hear me argue otherwise! For employers a chief advantage can be
that webinars undoubtedly save you money.  ALA 2016
is right around the corner and a quick glance at the price tag
(and that’s not including travel, hotel, meals and anything else you may
need to compensate) shows why you may want to abandon traditional
face-to-face trainings for online-only education. Fewer people still may be
familiar with all the costs of hosting your own staff training days, but
shutting down libraries for a day, feeding everyone, finding money for
honoraria…. these costs can add up quickly.

However, we also have good reason not to abandon the face-to-face model
entirely – it is often more successful. In the community college world,
online learning’s flexibility has led to a vast increase in the number of
online offerings. However, studies at these institutions expose some of the
of this type of education. Online-only students are, for instance, more
likely to fail
or drop out
than face-to-face students.

I recently came across an infographic that almost makes the webinar seem
like a no-brainer
Basically, it attempts to display a visual interpretation of “seminar” (a
bunch of people in a row looking toward presentation on a screen) versus a
visual interpretation of “webinar” (one person alone looking at the same
presentation on a screen).

The message is clear: Sure, you could pay to have everyone sit in the same
room and watch a presentation or you can do the same thing more cheaply
with a webinar!

But not every training is a lecture, and not all people learn the same way.
Take some of SWON’s Level-Up lab topics, such as an upcoming lab for
on a Budget
Many of these ideas can be transmitted via print or in a slideshow, but
when it comes to working with new tech and unique materials, the
opportunity to put your hands on the items and learn how to work with them
is invaluable. (And it is worth pointing out that our Level-Up Labs are

We offer plenty of webinars here at SWON
and we are proud of the variety of trainings this allows us to bring to
you. We, too, appreciate the webinar’s ability to provide cost savings,
convenience, and to bypass barriers of space and of time. But we also value
our face-to-face training, as well! The chance to interact, have a real
exchange of ideas, and to get in there and get our hands dirty provides us
with the kind of learning a webinar can’t.

Fortunately, for our SWON member institutions
face-to-face learning is part of the package deal. We offer 4 free
consulting hours
per year to every member institution, which many take advantage of in the
form of in-person trainings. Melanie can host excellent customer service
trainings based on her expertise in personality theory or I can come out
and show your staff the ins and outs of Office 365. Have other needs? We
are always here to be your partner in crafting training programs tailored
to your needs
– something else you can’t accomplish in a generic webinar.

So while we are delighted to see your names in the enrollment logs for
our Innovation
and we hope you take advantage of the many webinar opportunities
we pass on to you, we also hope to see you faces at our Level-Up Labs
our Staff Training Symposiums, and our many of our other fun and
educational events throughout the year
And don’t let those free consulting credits go to waste! We are happy to
help you out on your Staff Day or any other day of the year – making us
more personalized and just as affordable as that free webinar.

~ *Cassondra Vick, Technology Educator, SWON Libraries *

[image: Cookout]
  Bring the family for some fun!

We may love face-to-face education, but we've also got time for some fun
and games! That's why we hope to see you and your family at the end of July
for SWON's Summer Cook Out, cosponsored by the New to Libraries Network and
the Ethnic Librarians SIG.

This event is FREE and family friendly!
  Check It Out!
     Free Webinar on the New Wage and Hour Regulations!

With all the hype and misinformation circulating around about the new
regulations, Scott Warrick Consulting is offering this free information on
Click on the link below to learn more about the new overtime and exempt
employee regulations.




*Scott Warrick, JD, MLHR, CEQC, SCP *
*Scott Warrick Consulting, Coaching & Training Services **1147 Matterhorn
Drive, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068*

*(614) 738-8317 <%28614%29%20738-8317>    ♣    **scott at scottwarrick.com
[image: Level Up Labs]
  Level-Up Lab: Makerspace on a Budget

Want to make but just don't have the *space*. Think 3D printing is cool,
but can't afford a 3D printer? Join SWON for this special lab on how you,
too, can participate in the maker movement, even if you don't have a lot to

Level-Up Labs are FREE, but space is limited and filling up fast, so
register now!
  Register Here!

[image: Coming up on the calendar...]

* Please register for online classes at least two days before they take
place. *

   - *Webinar: STEAM Programming in a Diverse Setting
      - Cost: *FREE* (an Infopeople event)
   *6/14/2016 - Online *

   - *Free Online Event: Defining the Library as Classroom
      - Cost: *FREE* (a Library 2.0 event)
   *6/15/2016 - Online *

   - *Webinar: Choosing Optimism For Success: Putting Positive Psychology
   to Work for You!
      - Cost: *FREE* for employees of Supporting Member Institutions

      $20 for members in our Ohio service area

      $40 for everyone else
   *6/16/2016 - Online *

   - *Webinar: The Thinking Person's Guide to Stress Management

      - Cost: *FREE* for employees of
      Member Institutions

      $20 for members in our Ohio service area

      $40 for everyone else
   * 6/21/2016- Online*
   - *I
   Conversations: Digital Inclusion, Why should you care?*
      - Cost: *FREE* for employees of Supporting Member Institutions

      $25 for members in our Ohio service area

      $50 for everyone else
   *6/21/2016 - Online *

   - *ALA 2016 Annual Conference and Exhibition
      - Cost: Varies. Please see ALA website
   *6/23/2016 to 6/28/2016 - Orlando, FL *

   - *Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS) Consortium
      - Cost: Varies. Please see HEDS website
   *6/26/2016 to 6/29/2016 -Ashville, NC *

   - *Level-Up Lab: Makerspace on a Budget
      - Cost: *FREE*
   *6/28/2016 - Blue Ash, OH *

   - *Webinar: Understanding and Managing Teen Behavior in Libraries
      - Cost: *FREE* for employees of Supporting Member Institutions

      $20 for members in our Ohio service area

      $40 for everyone else
   *6/30/2016 - Online*

Save the date for these events...

   - *Level-Up Lab: Personality Theory for Supervisors/Managers
   07/20/2016 - Blue Ash, OH
   - *21st Annual Picture Book Read-In!
   08/23/2016 - West Chester, OH
   - *Fall SRP Workshop "Build a Better World"
   09/27/2019 - Centerville, OH

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SWON Libraries

10250 Alliance Road, Suite 112
Blue Ash, OH 45242
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