[OPLINLIST] Fwd: SWON Weekly: Playing Politics, Supervisor's Tool Kit and more!

Cassondra Vick cassondra at swonlibraries.org
Mon Mar 14 16:34:26 EDT 2016

*SWON serves libraries in Kentucky and Ohio*
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 SWON Libraries
SWON Libraries // Weekly
Think you don't do politics? Think again.

With the election coming up, it’s easy to see the national politics all
around us (especially in a swing state like Ohio!), but are you aware of
the everyday politics of your organization? Think your organization
doesn’t have politics? Think again.
You may feel like understanding the organizational politics of your
workplace is only necessary if you are particularly ambitious or looking
to move up. You may think of playing organizational politics as a
negative. But again…. Think again!
And whether you want to be involved or not, you may not be able to
afford to ignore[1] the “political landscape” of your library.
Do you often find yourself unable to get things done? Confused about
change? Wishing you knew who to turn to for help? Do decisions from “on
high” often seem weird or arbitrary to you, leaving you befuddled and
possibly unable to do your job?
I think this has happened to all of us, at some point or another in our
careers, and here is where you can benefit from learning about how to
navigate YOUR political landscape. Even if you don’t think you want to
play the game – even if you think you might be above, or perhaps below,
the fray – you can benefit from understanding how to work the
politics[2] of your office.

Want to understand more about how to get along in you library? Register
now[3] for our Spring Membership Meeting.
On April 19th, SWON will host the annual Spring Membership Meeting at
the brand new Miami Township branch of the Dayton Metro library system
and we are pleased to be able to offer the chance for you to learn about
“Navigating YOUR Political Landscape” in the afternoon. Our featured
speaker will be Barry Morris, an Organization Development and Human
Resource Executive with a Ph.D. in Organization Behavior and
Development. Barry has combined his organization development, human
resource, and social work capabilities with his executive experience and
created a consulting practice focused on the development of businesses,
organizations and communities.
Special Interest Groups will meet from 10am to noon, and lunch will be provided from noon to 1pm, during which you will have a chance to tour the new Miami Township branch. Barry will speak after lunch, and we will update and vote on SWON business at 2:45. Check out the full agenda here[4].

~Cassondra Vick, Technology Educator, SWON Libraries

Just a few spots left in our Supervisor Tool Kit event!

Supervisor Tool Kit
You can take all kinds of training relating to your productivity, your
organization, your legal responsibilities, managing your boss, customer
service, creating a fun workplace, creating a workplace that welcomes
diversity, etc. But if you’re not performing your core functions,
neither you, nor your staff are going to be terribly effective together.
Too often, these skills are ‘assumed’ – we figure we’re just going to
pick them up on the job. It doesn’t have to be that hard! Come to our
Tool Kit workshop and take away a 90-day plan you develop for yourself
based on where you’d like to grow next (after we cover the core skills).
Be a great supervisor by getting your core functions right. You’ll be
happier, you’re staff will be happier and your organization will see how
effective you can be.
Register Now

Coming up on the calendar[6]
*Please register for SWON online classes at least two days before they
take place.*

 * *OLC Webinar: Teen Readers' Advisory Series
3/17/2016 - Online

 * *Webinar: Finding, Downloading, & Editing Digital Photos for Free
3/29/2016 - Online

 * *MS Publisher Projects
3/29/2016 - Burlington, Kentucky

 * *Link to the Future: The 2016 Ohio Library Council Technical
   Services Retreat
3/31/16-4/1/16 - Lewis Center, OH

 * *Webinar:  Identifying and More Effectively Using Your Strengths for
3/31/2016 - Online

 * *Level-Up Lab: Positive Approaches to Resolving Performance &
   Conduct Problems
 4/4/2016 - Blue Ash, Ohio

 * *PLA 2016 Conference
 4/7/2016 to 4/8/2016 - Colorado

Looking ahead...

*Save the date for these events...*

 * *Teen Summer Reading SLIP
 6/1/2016 to 7/31/2016

 * *21st Annual Picture Book Read-In
8/23/2016 - West Chester, OH

 * *OKI Children’s Literature Conference
11/5/2016 - Crestview Hills, KY

You’re receiving this because you’re an awesome SWON Libraries customer
or subscribed via our site[17].
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Follow us on Twitter Visit us on Facebook
SWON Libraries
10250 Alliance Road, Suite 112

                                                Blue Ash, OH 45242



   1. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=https%3A%2F%2Fhbr%2Eorg%2F2015%2F01%2Foffice%2Dpolitics%2Disnt%2Dsomething%2Dyou%2Dcan%2Dsit%2Dout
   2. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Equintcareers%2Ecom%2Fdealing%2Dwith%2Doffice%2Dpolitics%2F
   3. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2F%3Fpage%3Dsave%5Fthe%5Fdate
   4. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D780255%26group%3D
   5. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Feveswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D755598
   6. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2Fevent%5Flist%2Easp
   7. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D779989
   8. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D759946
   9. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D593517
  10. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D782074
  11. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D780959
  12. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D705783
  13. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D680611
  14. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D777029
  15. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D783715
  16. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2Fevents%2FEventDetails%2Easpx%3Fid%3D778261
  17. http://swonlibraries.org/link.asp?e=cassondra@swonlibraries.org&job=2332097&ymlink=4747035&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fswonlibraries%2Eorg%2F
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