[OPLINLIST] print/sam/xerox question

Heidi Sutter heidi.sutter at norwalk.lib.oh.us
Wed May 4 14:30:24 EDT 2016

Hello everyone,

Please bear with me.

We use SAM time management system to monitor our computer usage.  This is tied into software called paper cut that is tied into our Xerox MFD (multi functioning device)

This creates a pain in the butt for our patrons.  Unless you have a valid library card you can't easily print.

Patrons who wish to use the computer have to get a guest pass to utilize the internet.  They then when ready to print have to purchase a print card from a vending machine that gives them a separate number for printing,  they then have to load money on that card and print from there.

Also there is no way for a person, non patron, or anyone to just make a copy.  as in I put in 10 cents and make one copy and leave.  To make a copy they have to have a library card and put money on that or they have to purchase a print card for 1.00 dollar which then 50 cents remains on the card for copies.

I desperately want to provide the option for patrons to just coin/bill operate the copy machine. Xerox has a way for me to do this but it has quite some cost associated with it.  Also for an additional fee we can have the option to have coin operated printing...? It sounds like.  Are there any other libraries out there who use SAM and paper cut like this with a print/copy/ etc software can anyone share success/horror stories? should I just be happy with coin operated pay station and get over my dreams of patron ease?


Heidi Sutter
Norwalk Public Library

-The Best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas!

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