[OPLINLIST] Call for Nominations for RUSA/ BRASS Award

Ed Rossman erossman74 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 06:45:10 EDT 2016

Announcing the 2017 RUSA BRASS Morningstar Public Librarian SupportAward

Thisannual award, sponsored by Morningstar, offers a cash award of $1,250 in travelfunds for ALA's Annual Conference to a public librarian who has performedoutstanding business reference service and who requires financial assistance toattend the conference.  The winner mustbe a member of ALA, RUSA, and BRASS by the time the award is given at Annual. The recipient shall have a demonstrated interest in the following:  

·        providingbusiness reference services, 

·        significantoutreach programs designed to improve the business environment in theircommunities, 

·        leadershipin their respective library associations in developing business training, 

·        programsand resources, 

·        buildingpartnerships with local businesses, 

·        demonstratingin other ways how libraries can help transform their communities throughassisting the business community.  

Inaddition, he or she will be expected to participate in BRASS activities at theconference for which the award has been made and to write a short statementregarding his or her experience at the conference for publication following theevent.  

Applicantswill be evaluated based on the following: involvement in special projects,creation of a business web site, business-related programming, publications, orrelated activities as indicated above. The award will be given to a recipient whose conference attendance isnot fully funded by their institution.

Thenomination form is attached

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