[OPLINLIST] FW: Upcoming FY2015 BEAR (Form 472) Deadline

aknapp at library.ohio.gov aknapp at library.ohio.gov
Wed Sep 21 12:37:40 EDT 2016

Please excuse cross posting.

From: OCSC E-Rate List [mailto:ocsc-erate-l at LISTSERV.OHIOCSC.ORG] On Behalf Of Lorrie Germann
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 12:20 PM
To: ocsc-erate-l at LISTSERV.OHIOCSC.ORG
Subject: Upcoming FY2015 BEAR (Form 472) Deadline

Good Afternoon E-Rate Community,

This is a reminder that the BEAR (Form 472) deadline for Funding Year (FY) 2015 recurring services is October 28, 2016.

The BEAR must be filed online (paper BEARs are no longer accepted), and is located on the legacy system at https://www2.sl.universalservice.org/bear/login.aspx.

In order to successfully file a BEAR, all of the following must have occurred:

  *   You received a Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL);
  *   You filed and received an FCC Form 486 Notification Letter;
  *   The service provider has filed an FCC Form 473, Service Provider Annual Certification (SPAC) Form;
  *   You received and paid for the requested service(s) in full (an exception can be made for progress payments specified in the contract);
  *   You submitted an FCC Form 498 and obtained an FCC Form 498 Identification Number (the Form 498 is located in the EPC portal); and
  *   You requested and received a PIN to electronically file BEAR forms. (PINs received in a previous funding year are still valid.)
If you need additional time to file the BEAR, you may request and automatically receive a single 120-day extension of the invoicing deadline to submit invoices to USAC. The request for an invoice extension must be submitted on or before October 28, 2016, in order for the request to be timely filed.

You may request an invoice deadline extension by using the Submit a Question feature on USAC's website at http://www.slforms.universalservice.org/EMailResponse/EMail_Intro.aspx.

If you have questions, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

**Also, please go to my new website at https://www.ohio-k12.help/erate/ and subscribe to "Join the E-Rate Community", if you wish to continue to be on the Ohio E-Rate listserv.



Lorrie Germann
State E-Rate Coordinator
On behalf of the Ohio Department of Education
lorrie.germann at education.ohio.gov<mailto:lorrie.germann at education.ohio.gov>
Office: 740-223-2420
Cell: 740-253-1153
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