[OPLINLIST] Fwd: SWON Weekly: Digital Literacy and an SLA Event

Cassondra Vick cassondra at swonlibraries.org
Wed Sep 28 10:52:34 EDT 2016

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*SWON serves libraries in Kentucky and Ohio *

[image: SWON Weekly Header Image]

* Upcoming Events * <#m_2792401800360510068_m_4321655455171671343_calendar>

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* More Stories *
*Who Trains the Trainers?*

A few weeks ago, while singing to my 6-month old son, I found myself trying
to remember the ultimate resolution to “Little Bunny Foo Foo.” *Little
Bunny Foo Foo*, the good fairy says, *I gave you three chances and now…
now…* I hesitated, “Well, buddy. I guess she turns him into a goon. That’s
what she kept saying she was going to do, right?” I simply could not
remember how to conclude this silly song.

I reached for his smartphone.

Yes, I am more than aware of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
reiterated right around the time my son was born, in fact, that recommend no
screen time
at all for children under the age of two. Yes, I did say, “his smartphone.”
It’s my old one, in an abuse-resistant case, on which I have loaded a
number of Fisher-Price and Sesame Wor
p apps, a few kids’ e-books, and some apps that contain well-known
children’s songs, such as “Little Bunny Foo Foo.” He really likes the
animal sounds app that I think of as the digital equivalent of those old
toys where you pulled the string to hear “The cow says… ‘MOOOO!’” We don’t
play long. Perhaps half an hour or less a couple of days a week. But
screens are a part of my life and digital literacy will probably be as
important to my child’s future as the more conventional kind.

The AAP guidelines, while well-meaning, certainly do not mesh with how
I or indeed
many families in America
use digital media. Studies show that fully 97% of children have used a
digital device by the age of four. Most have started using them before the
age of 1 and these numbers are on the rise
Furthermore, as more and more schools become invested in being so-called
schools, issuing laptops or iPads to all their students, digital devices
become increasingly commonplace in every child’s landscape. Meanwhile, the
AAP, acknowledging the shifting nature of “screen time” in this world, has
even tempered their policy a bit, releasing the brief, Beyond ‘turn it off:
How to advise families on media use

So if the devices are out there, if digital literacy is really a necessary
skill in the modern world, and if parents need to know how to mediate their
children’s use, then is this where libraries step in? We have long
considered ourselves the place to support traditional literacy and most
seem to agree that we have a place in supporting digital literacy, as well.
In fact, in 2015 the Association for Library Service to Children adopted a
white paper on Media Mentorship in Libraries Serving Youth
which calls for libraries to provide “Media Mentors” to help parents
navigate the digital world. Simply bolting an iPad to a kiosk, they affirm,
is not enough. We must be ready -- as we do with our storytimes, our
booklists, our summer reading programs, and a myriad of other methods – to
guide parents and children in how to use digital media, and what the most
appropriate digital media is.

To this end, the state library of Ohio is conducting six workshops
throughout the state on digital media for library staff serving youth,
intending to “train the trainers” -- that is, to provide you with training
that you can then use to train other library staff. These digital media
training days will focus on research and pedagogy, such as the 3 Cs
proposed by the New America Foundation’s Early Education Initiative
director Lisa Guernsey, the updated “Every Child Ready to Read”
guidelines and more, as well as provide practical tips for app evaluation
and digital media in storytime. The state library hopes that regional
systems will consider sending two librarians each who may return to their
libraries as Media Mentors, ready to train other library staff in the
effective use of digital media use in youth services.

Southwestern Ohio’s regional workshop will be on Friday, October 28th
from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Symmes Township Branch
of the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County in Loveland, OH.
The event is free and lunch will not be provided, but time will be provided
for participants to eat. Consider registering for this event and help Ohio
become a leader in digital literacy by becoming one of our state’s Media

*~ Cassondra Vick, MLIS    Technology Educator, SWON Libraries*
[image: ohio digital media training]
*An Ohio Digital Media Training Day*

Six regional training sessions will be offered throughout the State of
Ohio. Please consider sending two librarians who serve youth to a training
session. Keep in mind that these are train-the-trainer sessions. Whomever
you send to a training session will be expected to return and train the
staff of your library system. Through a train-the-trainer model, librarians
serving youth throughout the state will have the ability to act as Media

Project Outcomes

   - Learn the difference between using media passively and actively.
   - Increase understanding of how to use technology effectively during
   - Increase confidence in ability to speak to families and co-workers
   about new media.
   - Increase the number of trusted sources used for making technology and
   interactive media recommendations.

This project was made possible by the State Library of Ohio with federal
funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

* Register Now! *

[image: SLA Logo]
*SLA Event: Patent Searching and Competitive Intelligence Workshop*

Are you confused about the difference between copyrights, trademarks, and
patents? Do your library customers have questions related to intellectual
property? Have you had trouble searching for patents or navigating the
USPTO website? Did you know that competitive intelligence data may be
aggregated from free patent searching databases?

Learn more from NKU’s Intellectual Property Librarian John Schlipp on
Wednesday, October 5th at 5:00 PM. This informative workshop will cover the
following areas:

   - Overview of Patent & Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) libraries.
   - Introduction to free web-based USPTO & Espacenet patent searching
   - Competitive analysis examples utilizing free USPTO or Espacenet

*Cost: *SLA Members: $10; Non-members: $15; Retired, Student and LIS job
seekers: Free (please pay via cash or check at the event) *Attendance for
our speaker is limited to the first 30 attendees.*

*Location:* Interact for Health Conference Center
3805 Edwards Road, 5th Floor
 Cincinnati OH 45209

* Check It Out! *


[image: Calendar Icon]
up on the Calendar...*
  *Please register for SWON events by the Friday before they take place*

   - * Webinar - Embrace the Holidays: Tips and Tricks to Lead Staff and
   Community Through the Season
      - Cost: *FREE* for employees of Supporting Member Institutions
      $20 for members in our Ohio service area
      $40 for everyone else
   * 10/4/2016 - Online *

   - * Webinar - Aging in the 21st Century
      - Cost: *FREE* (a Library Journal event)
   * 10/4/2016 - Online *

   - * Staff Training Symposium: Libraries Transform
      - Cost: $65 for employees of Supporting Member Institutions
      $75 for members in our Ohio service area
      $85 for everyone else
   * 10/6/2016 - Newport, KY *

   - * Webinar - Libraries of the Future
      - Cost: *FREE* (a Library 2.016 event)
   * 10/6/2016 - Online *

   - * Webinar - Build Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement
      - Cost: *FREE* (a Volunteer Match Learning Center event)
   * 10/6/2016 - Online *

   - * 30 Minute EClassroom : EXPLORA (Formerly known as Student Research
      - Cost: *FREE* for employees of Supporting Member Institutions
      $15 for everyone else
   * 10/10/2016 - Online *


[image: Save the Date Icon] *Save the Date!*
  *Take note of these selected events in the coming weeks and months*

   - * KY Reading Association 2016 Conference
   10/28-10/29/2016 - Louisville, KY
   - * YALSA Young Adult Services Symposium
   11/4-11/6/2016 - Pittsburgh, PA
   - * Midwest Regional NCBI Training Workshop Series
   11/8-11/10/2016 - Cincinnati, OH
   - * Make It Easy: Concrete Programs for Your Community
   12/6/2016 - Cincinnati, Ohio


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*SWON Libraries*
10250 Alliance Rd. Suite 112
Blue Ash, OH 45242
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