[OPLINLIST] CLOSING SUNDAY - The Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County - Collection Access Manager position

Karen Miller via OPLINLIST oplinlist at lists.oplin.org
Wed Apr 12 14:55:13 EDT 2017

Collection Access Manager - Connect, Inspire, Enrich!

The Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County<https://www.libraryvisit.org/> (OH) seeks an innovative knowledgeable Collection Access Manager to lead the Collection Access Department and sit as a member of the Library's Leadership Team. PLYMC is a county-wide system serving 238,823 residents, governed by a 15-member Board and supported by a stellar staff of 169 FTE, a $15,540,797.84 annual operating budget, and a 11-member Leadership Team. The Library's newly adopted strategic plan, My Library 2020<https://www.libraryvisit.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/My-Library-2020-Strategic-Plan-final.pdf>, emphasizes developing fresher, more dynamic targeted collections and streamlined workflows.  The Collection Access Manager oversees materials from selection and acquisition through processing and maintenance-and ensures that the Library's strategic goals for collections and spaces are met efficiently and effectively. The successful candidate will focus on utilizing data and trends to build customized collections for Mahoning County residents and actively participate in the Library's mandate of fiscal stewardship while managing a departmental budget of $2,326,200. For additional information on the Library and Mahoning County, see PLYMC Links<http://www.bradburymiller.com/plymclinks.htm>.
Responsibilities. Key responsibilities include (1) selecting and overseeing the collections for fifteen locations and specialty departments; (2) working with the Public Services Team; (3) overseeing the Technical Services Department (including Search Ohio and Ohio Link); (4) supervising Specialist positions; and (5) managing vendor relationships. In addition, the position responds to customer inquiries and concerns when appropriate and when assigned.  As a member of administration, the Collection Access Manager will participate in system-wide planning with other Library departments to accomplish established goals.  Please visit Collection Access Manager<http://www.bradburymiller.com/plymcjobdesc.pdf> for the complete position description.

Qualifications.  Minimum qualifications are (1) a Master's Degree in Library Science from an ALA Accredited program; (2) a minimum of three years of experience in collections; (3) a minimum of two years of supervisory experience; and (4) a minimum of two years in a public library environment. Desired qualifications are the ability to analyze data and community trends, a working knowledge of best practices in public library collections management, experience with technical services processes, familiarity with Innovative Interface, and prior success in workflows management. Experience working in a multi-branch environment and budgeting are preferred.

Compensation.  The salary range is $51,100 - $76,700 (negotiable with experience) with an excellent fringe benefit package.

For further information, contact Bradbury Miller Associates<http://www.bradburymiller.com/contactus.html> via email or phone. Apply via email with a meaningful cover letter and your resume as Word or pdf attachments to Jobeth Bradbury<mailto:jobethbradbury at bradburymiller.com>. This position closes April 16, 2017.

Enjoy your afternoon!

Karen E. Miller, M.L.S.
Managing Consultant
Bradbury Miller Associates
(formerly Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates)
Ohio office:
3513 E Harvard Blvd
Canton, OH 44709
karenmiller at bradburymiller.com<mailto:karenmiller at bradburymiller.com>
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