[OPLINLIST] Measures that Matter webinar – data collection by public libraries

marshams@library.ohio.gov via OPLINLIST oplinlist at lists.oplin.org
Tue Apr 25 12:06:11 EDT 2017

Please excuse multiple postings…

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Chief Offices of State Library Agencies (COSLA) are collaborating on an initiative called “Measures that Matter,” with the aim of evaluating data collection by public libraries in the United States. This project will survey the current state of public library data, assessing current strengths and weaknesses and formulating a plan for future action.

As part of the Measures that Matter initiative, a three-part webinar series about the public library data landscape will occur during the months of May, June, and July. The first webinar, “Measures that Matter: A View into the Current Public Library Data Landscape,” will occur on May 23, 12:00-1:00 Pacific. See http://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/measures-that-matter-1.html<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webjunction.org%2Fevents%2Fwebjunction%2Fmeasures-that-matter-1.html&data=01%7C01%7Clhickle%40library.ohio.gov%7C35121e7ad3cf4f1caa6408d4872e5de8%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0&sdata=whRcufWrKzcJYkQJD1yC8%2BjTACP8MtHCYanvrZQcP8Q%3D&reserved=0> for more information. Anyone is welcome to attend this webinar, and the hope is that it will attract a broad audience of public library data stakeholders. Please announce the webinar to public libraries in your state, as well as anyone else who you think might be interested. Dates and descriptions for the second and third webinars will be announced soon.

For more information on “Measures that Matter,” please see the article that appeared in Library Journal, November 2, 2016, http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2016/11/managing-libraries/imls-cosla-launch-measures-that-matter/#_


Marsha McDevitt-Stredney, Ph.D.
Public Information Officer
Director, Marketing & Communications
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-644-6875
Fax: 614-466-3584

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