[OPLINLIST] New webinars in 2018 from OPLIN, now open for registration

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.ohio.gov
Tue Dec 26 08:54:57 EST 2017

Emerging Tech Trends for 2018
Monday, January 22, 2018

 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Like most of us, who pay even a little attention to recent developments in
technology, you're likely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information
and progress. With so much coming at us so fast, keeping up can be a
challenge. Do some technologies deserve more attention than others?

Join Laura Solomon in this webinar, as she explores what’s coming down the
pike and what it might mean (or not) for libraries. We can't track
everything, but we can pick out some patterns in what's happening around us
in 2018.


Online Privacy for Library Staff and Users
*Wednesday, February 14, 2018  10:00 AM - 11:00 AM*
Think you don't need to care about your online privacy? Not doing anything
shady or illegal, so it doesn't matter...right?

As it turns out, this topic is growing in importance as people realize the
long-term ramifications of not being privacy-aware.  Understand why
protecting one's online privacy is now so critical and what can happen when
one doesn't. We'll also look at various concrete methods and tools you can
use to help insure online privacy as much as possible.


*Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS*
*Library Services Manager,* Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
(614) 752-0792 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.ohio.gov | https://oplin.ohio.gov
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