[OPLINLIST] Compilation of Groovy Magazine Titles

Susan Pieper susanhillpieper at gmail.com
Wed Dec 27 17:21:50 EST 2017

Hello Everyone!
I have been asked to send a compilation of the "groovy" and "not so groovy"
but popular magazines that were suggested. Here tis:

   - *All Recipes*
   - *Baked from Scratch*
   - *Blocks*: Lego mag from the UK
   - *Civil War Monitor*: Glossy, Great Writing
   - *Cloth, Paper, Scissors*
   - *Consumer Reports*
   - *Cooking Light*
   - *Cosmopolitan*
   - *Country Living*
   - *DIY*
   - *Entertainment Weekly*
   - *Family Handyman*
   - *Farm & Ranch*
   - *Food*
   - *Game Informer-just started this month*
   - *Good Housekeeping*
   - *History*: National Geographic
   - *Hobby Farms*
   - *How it Works*
   - *Magnolia Journal*
   - *Martha Stewart: Living*
   - *Mary Jane’s Farm*
   - *Milk Street*
   - *Mojo*: Great music from the UK
   - *Mollie Makes*: Craft mag from the UK
   - *Mother Earth News*
   - *MS.*: Nice counterpoint to fashion and gossip
   - *Oprah*
   - *Oprah*
   - *People (in English and Spanish)*
   - *Popular Mechanics*
   - *Roadkill*
   - *Smithsonian*
   - *Southern Home*
   - *Southern Living*
   - *Story Monsters Ink*
   - *Taste of Home*
   - *Texas Gardener*
   - *The Cottage Journal*
   - *Thread*
   - *Time*

*Listen to books recorded on Playaway or CD. You'll get hooked!*
*Susan Hill Pieper, M.S.L.S.**, C.P.L.*
*Ohio Web Library Specialist*
*Paulding County Carnegie Library*
*205 South Main Street*
*Paulding, Ohio 45879*
*(419) 399-2032 - Voice   (419) 399-2114 - Fax*
spieper at pauldingcountylibrary.org

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