[OPLINLIST] FW: NEO News: Change is All Around Us, Resolving Conflict, Levy on the Ballot, Vote for Board Members

Melissa Lattanzi via OPLINLIST oplinlist at lists.oplin.org
Thu May 11 10:09:38 EDT 2017

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Weekly Update

  *   A Note from the Executive Director
  *   Register for Classes Today
  *   Will Your Library have a Levy on the Ballot?
  *   NEO-RLS Board of Trustee Elections
  *   A Day for Circ Staff
  *   Resolving Conflict

NEO-RLS Board of Trustee Elections
Please remember to vote if you are the NEO-RLS representative for your library. Elections for Board of Trustee seats close on May 30, 2017.
A Day for Circ Staff
Change is All Around Us -- 4 locations to attend
Thursday, June 1, 2017 --Wayne County Public Library <http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43324>
Thursday, August 17, 2017 --Canfield Library <http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43328>
Thursday, September 7, 2017 - Geauga West Branch <http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43331>
Wednesday, November 15, 2017 -- Avon Lake Public Library <http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43333>

Change is inevitable, especially in libraries.  We have seen many changes in the last 20 years.  This year’s “Day for Circulation Staff” will focus on change; the change in customers and their expectations, the change in technology and the changing role of circulation.

We will start the morning with Andrea Egan, youth services assistant from the Geauga County Public Library talking about the welcoming library and how we must treat all of our customers the same and ways in which we are able to surprise and delight them.

Joe Taylor, Head of Circulation for Grafton-Midview, will discuss the many changes in technology and how, as circulation staff, you must be adaptable and able to cope with all of the changes.

Leslie Davenport, Circulation Services Manager for Wayne County Public Library, will share the new and exciting roles that she and her circulation staff have taken on and look at other opportunities for circulation staff.

Lastly, we will have a conversation about taking care of yourself in times of change.  As always, we will have time for some roundtable discussion.  Don’t miss this opportunity to network with your peers.
Resolving Conflict
The ever popular Scott Warrick,  Nationally Certified Emotional Intelligence Instructor will be presenting a face to face workshop on Thursday, June 15th at the Twinsburg Public Library.<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43269>

  *   How can you RESOLVE CONFLICT rather than ESCALATING it?
  *   How should you define “RESPECT”?
  *   What are “EPR” SKILLS and why are they CRITICAL in keeping others off the defensive?
  *   What is the “POWER OF VULNERABILITY”?
  *   What is the “NEUROLOGY OF EMOTIONS” and why do we humans react the way we do?
  *   What are the THREE COMMUNICATION STYLES we use … and which one works?
  *   How can “RETREATING” and “ATTACKING” Communication Styles DESTROY all of your relationships … even though they are the most common styles we use?
  *   What are “PARROTING” and “REWARDS” … and how do they equal “RESPECT?”
  *   What is “ACCUSATORY LANGUAGE” and how will it ESCALATE any conflict?
  *   Why does CONFLICT build TRUST?
  *   Why are PASSIVE AGGRESSIVES the most evil people in the world?
  *   Why is EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE a KEY SKILL in Resolving Conflict?
  *   What should you REQUIRE in your culture to resolve conflict?

A Note from the Executive Director
[http://myneotoday.org/photos/35223_01302017091627.jpg]May 9th marks my one year anniversary at NEO-RLS and I really can’t believe how quickly it has flown by!  It has been a year filled with incredible new challenges and learning, the opportunity to meet many new people, visits to 71 libraries and of course, some missteps as well.  From all of this has come the chance to develop new ideas for continuing education based on your feedback, in person, through our new Advisory Groups for CE, Youth Services, IT and Emerging Tech, and through our program evaluations.  I am listening and we are responding.  Every library I visit, every person I meet, every survey I read, provides me with more information on what we can do to best serve you and your suggestions for how we can do it better.  We want to make certain that what we are doing is relevant to your work, your library, and your community.  Since last summer we have placed programs in 16 different libraries around our 22 county region.  We have added new speakers, new topics and tried to make certain that our program descriptions provide you with a solid notion of what you will be learning so that you can make the best choice for your continuing development.  I value your input so please keep it coming.  Thank you for helping make my first year at NEO-RLS interesting and fulfilling.  Together we will continue maximizing the potential of our libraries in Northeast Ohio.

Betsy Lantz
Register for Classes Today

Meetings That Matter<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=42557>
ALICE Training: Active Shooter Response - Vermillion<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=42472>
Engaging Special Needs Youth:
Social, Sensory, Art and Literature Engagement For All<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43214>
HR Networking Event<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43188>
Youth Readers Advisory Webinar:
Fiction, Non-Fiction and Graphic Novels<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43212>
The 4-1-1 on 2-1-1<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43669>
Career Resource Workshop: Job Resource Tips, Tools and Trends for Library Staff and Professionals<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43586>
Directors Retreat: Tactical Vs. Strategic Leadership<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=42615>
05/24/2017- 05/25/2017
Shut Up and Listen: How We Used Social Listening to Connect With Customers/Students and Build a Community<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43690>
A Day for Circulation Staff: Change is All Around Us --Wooster<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43324>
Emerging Tech Chat<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=44112>
Travel in Your Pocket<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43543>
ALICE Training: Active Shooter Response--Euclid<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=42473>
Youth Readers Advisory Webinar:
Historical Fiction and Horror with a Side of Fantasy<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43213>
Resolving Conflict As An Emotionally Intelligent Communicator<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43269>
Beyond the Survey: Qualitative Research Practices and Techniques<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43476>
Fiscal Officers Networking Event <http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43445>
Effective Workplace Communication for New Supervisors<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43959>

Will Your Library have a Levy on the Ballot?
NEO-RLS has two new webinars you will want to attend.
Presented by: John Chrastka, Founder and Executive Director of EveryLibrary, the first nationwide political action committee (PAC) for libraries.

The Librarian as Candidate: How to Activate Voters and Constituents for Support
Wednesday, August 2nd at 10 a.m.<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43960>
Voters, constituents, and donors behave the way they do for specific reasons, and very little of it has to do with what "library conventional wisdom" says. Most of what drives their behavior—at the polls, when you ask them to advocate, or when you appeal to them for donations—is not their own user experience, but is instead their perceptions and attitudes of the public library as an institution and the people who work there. In this session, John Chrastka, Executive Director of EveryLibrary, will share critical public-perception data and field-tested messages to activate those perceptions to help you shape more effective marketing for your library. You will learn short, actionable messaging and marketing techniques to begin to update citizens' perceptions and to change their attitudes in your favor.

The Library as Cause: Lessons from Winning Campaigns
Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 10 a.m.<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=43961>
Successful political candidates know that the right way to connect with their voters starts by sharing their vision for the community they serve. For library funding - either at the ballot box or through donor support - your library's strategic or facilities plan is where your vision and hope reside. In this session, learn how to create a 'fundable plan' using the tools of winning political campaigns to frame the community conversation. Join EveryLibrary's executive director John Chrastka for a practical session that will help you deploy effective communications - both positive and opposition messaging - and provide you with useful take-home exercises for staff and boards.

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Northeast Ohio Regional Library System | 1580 Georgetown Rd. | Hudson, OH 44236

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