Susan Pieper via OPLINLIST oplinlist at lists.oplin.org
Thu May 25 10:10:02 EDT 2017

Hello Janelle!
We use a local vendor for our t-shirts. We do purchase t-shirts from CSLP
shop for the staff, and a couple for door prizes, but if we were going to
purchase for all children, we would use our local "Signature Embroidery"
shop. The owner can buy in bulk and silk screen almost any design for a low
cost. You can make up a slogan with your original art or something as
simple as "I'm reading this summer!" or "Reading Rocks". It does not
necessarily have to be a slogan from the theme. And, you might want to put
a tag line... "Reading Rocks" at the Swanton Public Library.

You might ask local businesses to help underwrite the costs. If you have
100 kids at 5.00 a t-shirt, you would only need 5 businesses or industry to
sponsor the costs. Be sure to recognize the donors frequently during your

Your kids are lucky! Have fun and good luck!
Listening to: *Cutthroat, An Isaac Bell Adventure *by Clive Cussler
*Susan Hill Pieper, M.S.L.S.*
*Paulding County Carnegie Library*
*205 South Main Street*
*Paulding, Ohio 45879*
*(419) 399-2032 - Voice   (419) 399-2114 - Fax*
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