[OPLINLIST] Programming and Staffing

Robin Heintz via OPLINLIST oplinlist at lists.oplin.org
Wed Oct 4 13:32:09 EDT 2017

Hello All,

I’m taking a look at the way our library does programming. We do not have a dedicated “programming person”. We have a Programming Committee, of which I am Chair. The responsibility of running programs is an addition to committee members' regular job responsibilities. (We wear a lot of hats here.)

Adult and Teen programs, holiday events, etc. are all handled by committee members. (Children’s programming is handled by that department, which is pretty much an entity unto itself.)

Our committee assignments are given out by the Director at the beginning of each calendar year. Staffers are assigned to any one of several committees, including: Staff Social, Collection Development, Building Maintenance, Programming, Volunteers, etc.

What I would like to do is get a majority of the staff participating in Programming, either behind the scenes, or actively running events. I’m creating a presentation for our staff training day that explains the need, and the importance of programming to our library’s mission. I’m worried that our committee members will burn out, and that the quality of our programs will suffer. Many of us have been on the committee for several years.

We have very few library volunteers to exploit. We are a small stand-alone rural library.

So, my questions are:

1. How do you involve your staff in running programming and events?
2. Do a large number of your staff participate?
3. Is this a mandatory responsibility for your staffers?
4. Do you have a dedicated Programming person?

I’m open to suggestions.

Thank you!


Robin Heintz
Marketing Specialist
Chair of Programming
Piqua Public Library
937-773-6753 ext. 235
rheintz at piqualibrary.org<mailto:rheintz at piqualibrary.org>

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