[OPLINLIST] Confusion about Monarch Program

Susan Pieper susanhillpieper at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 13:09:50 EDT 2018

 Hello again,
I have already heard from you and I think my prior e-mail was confusing.
Note the following:

   - I lead the canvas art classes.
   - Kylee is totally separate. She is a friend and happens to be one of
   our country's experts on the Monarch.
   - I was sharing my canvas art classes just as a possible program for
   - You can message Kylee through the link provided.
   - Here is a photo of my last canvas class (I'm on the far right). The
   second class is tonight, we have a waiting list, so perhaps I'll offer a
   third class.

There is sure to be someone in your community who can lead a canvas class.
I'm the director of a rural library system and love doing this. I have a
background in art but am self-taught. No one is expected to be an expert.
Everyone is invited. No experience in painting necessary.

We use only primary colors, learn how to blend to make other colors, learn
about composition, and different brush techniques. Most of all we just have
tons of fun while learning together.

There are many serendipitous moments when someone will discover something -
like a perfect shade of turquoise - and will share their "formula" with the

During the Monarch Canvas Art Class, I combined learning about the
life-stages of the Monarchs with painting a Monarch. I display library
books, share an "eclose" (when the butterfly comes out of the chrysalis) on
YouTube, give them all a milkweed pod from last fall's harvest, and give
them a window cling I designed that says, "I brake for Milkweed Pods".

Best to you all and I wish you continued success in all you do!

*Susan Hill Pieper, M.S.L.S.**, C.P.L.*
*Ohio Web Library Specialist*
*Paulding County Carnegie Library*
*205 South Main Street*
*Paulding, Ohio 45879*
*(419) 399-2032 - Voice   (419) 399-2114 - Fax*
www.pauldingcountylibrary.o <http://www.pauldingcountylibrary.com>rg
spieper at pauldingcountylibrary.org

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