[OPLINLIST] Ohio Public Library Survey

kkrumsee at library.ohio.gov kkrumsee at library.ohio.gov
Thu Feb 8 11:38:43 EST 2018

The State Library of Ohio requires all Ohio public libraries to participate in the annual Public Library Survey. Data submitted in the survey is used on the local, regional, state and federal levels. The current survey is due March 21st, 2018.

A brief video overview of this year's survey is available at https://ohlibrary.adobeconnect.com/pab4ok6j8610/

The current year's instructions are available at https://library.ohio.gov/documents/2018-ohio-pls-survey-instructions/

At this time all public library directors should have received a link to the survey with the library's username and password.

There are different people at the State Library to help you with your survey this year:

Gregg Gassman will provide assistance with using Counting Opinions and understanding formulas.
614-644-6889 (ggassman at library.ohio.gov<mailto:ggassman at library.ohio.gov>)

Kirstin Krumsee will provide help with interpreting survey questions and their definitions.
614-644-6916 (kkrumsee at library.ohio.gov<mailto:kkrumsee at library.ohio.gov>)

We look forward to helping you with your submissions!

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Kirstin Krumsee
Library Consultant, Government Information
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-644-6916
Fax: 614-644-7004
[Description: Facebook logo - links to the State LIbrary of Ohio's facebook page]<http://www.facebook.com/people/StateLibraryof-Ohio/100000063363765>  [Description: Twitter logo - links to the State Library of Ohio's Twitter page] <http://twitter.com/statelibohio>   [Description: Blog logo - Links to the State Library of Ohio's blog] <http://library.ohio.gov/blog/>   [cid:image005.png at 01CE35C3.A699DF80] <http://pinterest.com/stlibohio/>
Share Your Story<http://library.ohio.gov/state-librarian/share-your-story> by telling us how a
State Library service or resource helped
you or your library.

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