[OPLINLIST] Ideas sought for 2023 CSLP summer program theme and slogan - August 23 deadline
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Fri Aug 2 10:18:47 EDT 2019
Cross-posted. Please excuse duplication.
Good morning,
It's that time of year... when the Collaborative Summer Library Program looks for the best of the best themes and slogans for future summer library programs. This year CSLP is asking for your suggestions for the 2023 program year. The artist for 2023 will be Frank Morrison, illustrator of Long Shot, I Got the Rhythm, Little Melba and her Big Trombone, and other picture books, see morrisongraphics.com/collections/childrens-books<https://morrisongraphics.com/collections/childrens-books>.
A CSLP theme is a general topic to frame SLP programing, decorations, etc., such as music or space. A CSLP slogan is the catchphrase or name of the SLP, based on the theme, such as "Libraries Rock" or "A Universe of Stories." Past CSLP themes and slogans are listed here: www.cslpreads.org/programs/years-of-cslp-themes/<http://www.cslpreads.org/programs/years-of-cslp-themes/> and future themes/slogans are listed here: www.cslpreads.org/programs/future-programs/<http://www.cslpreads.org/programs/future-programs/>.
Suggest the themes and slogans you'd like to have for your SLP! Complete the survey here to suggest up to 3 themes and 3 slogans for 2023:
All questions are optional. There is also a feedback opportunity, should you have any other suggestions for the CSLP or any questions.
Multiple staff members from your library may respond to this survey. Each respondent should complete the survey separately.
The deadline to submit theme suggestions is end of the day Friday, August 23. I will compile the suggestions from Ohio librarians and submit to CSLP. They will be considered along with suggestions from the other states and territories, and will be decided at the CSLP Annual Meeting in September.
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Janet Ingraham Dwyer
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-644-6910
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov<mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>
[cid:image013.png at 01D5491B.AAB9DDF0]<https://www.facebook.com/StateLibraryOhio> [Description: Twitter logo - links to the State Library of Ohio's Twitter page] <http://twitter.com/statelibohio> [cid:image014.png at 01D5491B.AAB9DDF0] <https://www.flickr.com/photos/statelibohio/sets/> [cid:image015.png at 01D5491B.AAB9DDF0] <http://pinterest.com/stlibohio/> [cid:image016.png at 01D5491B.AAB9DDF0] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFiKVfM_fLdmNhXx7YXa70w>
Share Your Story<http://library.ohio.gov/state-librarian/share-your-story> by telling us how a State Library service or resource helped you or your library.
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