[OPLINLIST] Summer Library Program incentives: State Fair (now good through 18yo!), Armstrong Museum, Ren Fest
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Tue Feb 19 09:12:34 EST 2019
Cross-posted. Please excuse duplication.
Good morning,
Several statewide incentives for your Summer Library Program are now available:
· State Fair coupon for $4 off admission (now good for ages 5-18!)
· Armstrong Museum coupon for free child admission with paid adult admission
· Ohio Renaissance Festival coupon for ½ off admission (all ages)
The Ohio State Parks incentive is not yet ready. Please see below for details and instructions on the others.
These incentives are for the exclusive use of Ohio public libraries. Please do not share the passwords, links, or electronic files below with anyone but Ohio public library staff. Please do not repost online except on a secure staff intranet. The coupons are for your SLP participants only; limit one of each coupon per person. Please keep track of how many of each of these coupons you distribute. Thank you.
The Ohio State Fair partners with the State Library of Ohio to support Ohio public libraries' Summer Library Programs, by providing a $4 discount coupon for State Fair admission for youth ages 5-18. Please note the Ohio State Fair has raised the eligibility age to 18, which makes this coupon much more useful for your teen SLP!
The 2019 coupon is now available for download:
Use the case-sensitive password StateFair19 to access this page.
Please print or photocopy on YELLOW paper for distribution, and keep track of how many you distribute.
The Ohio State Fair runs from July 24 - August 4. For more information: ohiostatefair.com<http://ohiostatefair.com/>
Through the generosity of the Armstrong Air and Space Museum<https://armstrongmuseum.org/> in Wapakoneta, any Ohio public library may distribute coupons good for one free child admission with paid adult admission to the Armstrong Museum.
This coupon is now available for download for your 2019 SLP:
Use the case-sensitive password Armstrong2019 to access this page.
The coupon is in color, but you are welcome to print/copy it in black & white if you prefer. If printing/copying in B&W, please use blue paper. The museum will accept either color copies on white paper, or B&W copies on blue paper.
Any standard blue office paper is fine.
You or the recipient should write the library name on the coupon. Note the expiration date of September 2. This would be a good incentive to distribute at sign-up/registration or otherwise early in your SLP.
The Ohio Renaissance Festival, held weekends from August 31 - October 27, is again supporting Ohio public libraries by offering coupons for 50% off gate admission for Summer Library Program participants of any age.
Any Ohio public library may distribute the coupons, but you must request the coupons in advance, and Ren Fest will send them to you. They will send any quantity you request. To request coupons for your SLP participants, download the form here:
Complete the form and send it to Ren Fest via fax, email, or US Mail by April 19. Your coupons will be shipped to you by June 3.
The Ohio Renaissance Festival is in Harveysburg, 30 miles southeast of Dayton and very close to I-71 exit 45. For more information: www.renfestival.com<http://www.renfestival.com>
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Janet Ingraham Dwyer
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-644-6910
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov<mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>
[cid:image004.png at 01D4C833.3E7C7C60]<https://www.facebook.com/StateLibraryOhio> [Description: Twitter logo - links to the State Library of Ohio's Twitter page] <http://twitter.com/statelibohio> [cid:image007.png at 01D4C833.3E7C7C60] <https://www.flickr.com/photos/statelibohio/sets/> [cid:image009.png at 01D4C833.3E7C7C60] <http://pinterest.com/stlibohio/> [cid:image011.png at 01D4C833.3E7C7C60] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFiKVfM_fLdmNhXx7YXa70w>
Share Your Story<http://library.ohio.gov/state-librarian/share-your-story> by telling us how a State Library service or resource helped you or your library.
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