[OPLINLIST] Statistics Reports

Gerry Vogel gvogel at avonlake.lib.oh.us
Wed Sep 18 11:48:54 EDT 2019

We are looking at what statistics we collect and how we report them.

Of course, we collect what the State requires, but we track other measures
that inform board, management and staff about the use of our collection and

We have tweaked our reports for years, and one thing we have done a lot of
it integrating ebooks and downloadbles in more detail, such as by audience,
fiction, nonfiction, etc.  These items are now about 14 per cent of our
circulation.  Now that we are working on a new strategic plan we want to
settle on something and we are looking for ideas.

*If you do a monthly stats report, please share one with us -- send
directly to myself (gvogel at alpl.org <gvogel at alpl.org>) or Dianne Russell
(drussell at alpl.org <drussell at alpl.org>).  If you have thoughts or
explanation on how or why you do it the way you do, please share that, too!*

We are happy to compile copies for anyone interested and to share/repost
elsewhere if there is a file-size issue, as well as a summary of findings.
Gerry Vogel: MLIS, Ohio CPL
Assistant Director, Avon Lake Public Library
32649 Electric Blvd. Avon Lake OH 44012 www.alpl.org
general phone: 440-933-8128 (x239) direct line: 440-933-7238
cell (and text): 440-714-7581 fax: 440-933-6406

“If you want to be a reference librarian, you must learn to overcome not
only your shyness but also the shyness of others.” S.R.Ranganathan
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