[OPLINLIST] OPLIN Solves..."What are the OPLIN databases?"

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.ohio.gov
Mon Sep 30 11:37:49 EDT 2019

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*You know how you get the same questions, over and over again, at your
library? So do we! *
*In an effort to help answer some FAQs, OPLIN will periodically publish
these mini how-to guides.*

"What are the OPLIN databases?"

Not every brand of facial tissue is Kleenex. Not every brand of gelatin is
Jell-O. And not every statewide database is just from OPLIN.

Don’t get me wrong–OPLIN spends a lot of money on all those databases we’ve
come to depend on, such as the EBSCO suite. But, in truth, those purchases
are only viable because OPLIN partners with both InfOhio and OhioLink to do
it, and the State Library of Ohio provides a good chunk of LSTA funding as
well. Buying database access for over 11 million people isn’t cheap, and it
takes the resources of all four organizations to make it happen. In fact,
there is an official partnership for this, called Libraries Connect Ohio
<https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/lco>. All of those databases that are purchased
by the LCO partnership constitute the basis of the Ohio Web Library.

*So, there are Ohio Web Library databases, really, rather than OPLIN
databases*. (I know, OPLIN is a little easier to say, but it’s not really

*Want to learn more about the databases? See here
*Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS*
*Library Services Manager,* Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
(614) 752-0792 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.ohio.gov | https://oplin.ohio.gov
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