welchly at herrickliboh.org welchly at herrickliboh.org
Mon Dec 7 16:35:11 EST 2020

Hello colleagues, 

For any librarians on this list in a position to influence fiction
orders, Ilona Andrews is offering an ARC of the forthcoming BLOOD HEIR,
a spinoff of her bestselling Urban Fantasy Kate Daniels series in which
Julie, Kate's adopted daughter, returns to Atlanta after a long absence,
all grown up and ready to take on the evil forces threatening Kate. 

>From the site: "Also, if you are a librarian and want an ARC of BLOOD
HEIR, please email me through the contact form on the website
(https://www.ilona-andrews.com/contact/) with your credentials. Choose
any technical issue. BLOOD HEIR will be available to libraries, and we
want to get the book into your hands in hopes that if you like it, you
would consider it for the inclusion into your library's collection." 

The book releases in print on January 8, in digital and on OverDrive
January 12, and is available for pre-order now. Kate Daniels and the
author's other series are very popular at our library but you may not
have been aware of Julie's story, which started as a free online serial
during COVID19 lockdown and has now been refined and edited for
publication through NYLA Digital Publishing. 

I've ordered print and OverDrive copies for our library already, as I
was privileged to read the serial and a couple of excerpts from the
finished product and feel confident the authors have another winner on
their hands. 




Lynne Welch - Herrick Memorial Library of Wellington OH
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