[OPLINLIST] Ohio State Fair coupon and other statewide summer reading incentives

jdwyer at library.ohio.gov jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Mon Feb 3 09:10:51 EST 2020

Cross-posted. Please excuse duplication.

The Ohio State Fair partners with the State Library of Ohio to support Ohio public libraries' Summer Library Programs by providing a $4 discount coupon for State Fair admission for youth ages 5-18.

The 2020 coupon is now available for download:
Use the case-sensitive password StateFair20 to access this page.

Please print or photocopy on BLUE paper for distribution, and keep track of how many you distribute. The Ohio State Fair runs from July 29 - August 9. For more information: ohiostatefair.com<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fohiostatefair.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjdwyer%40library.ohio.gov%7C2d67c5830cab495ee33b08d696748337%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C636861824499344484&sdata=FffZXqf94ILITifPt65F6OcXVuWPq9GXb4Ra88JIeok%3D&reserved=0>

Also remember that the Armstrong Museum coupon is available here:
Use the case-sensitive password Armstrong2020 to access this page.

And the order form for Ohio Renaissance Festival coupons is here:
Please note the April 10 deadline for sending the order form to Ren Fest.

All of these incentives are for the exclusive use of Ohio public libraries. Please do not share the passwords, links, or electronic files with anyone but Ohio public library staff. Please do not repost online except on a secure staff intranet. The coupons are for your SLP participants only; limit one of each coupon per person. Please keep track of how many of each of these coupons you distribute. Thank you.


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Janet Ingraham Dwyer
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-644-6910
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov<mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>

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