[OPLINLIST] FW: NEO News: Critical Conversations, NOTSL Officers, SOA Scholarships, Source Sets & Day for Circ Staff
Melissa Lattanzi
lattanzm at neo-rls.org
Tue Feb 4 14:11:19 EST 2020
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NEONews February 4, 2020
Weekly Update
* A Note from the Executive Director
* It is Time to Register
* Where is Day for Circ Staff?
* New Source Sets Created
* Continuing Education to Print and Share
* NOTSL Seeking Officers
* SOA Scholarships Available
Continuing Education to Print and Share
Don't miss an opportunity to share our one-page CE @ a Glance<https://www.neo-rls.org/docs/0220_NEO-RLS_CE.pdf> with your staff and colleagues.
NOTSL Seeking Officers
Are you ready to get involved? The Northern Ohio Technical Services Librarians (NOTSL
invite you to make a difference.
NOTSL will hold elections at the Spring Meeting on March 20, 2020. Officers elected in March will take office immediately. We seek a Vice Chairperson, a Scholarship Committee member, an Executive Committee member, and a Secretary. This is a great opportunity to represent your organization and contribute to the profession by serving as an officer. The chief business of NOTSL is to put together two educational meetings per year. The money raised from these meetings is then given as scholarships to technical services librarians and library school students. The members of the NOTSL board make this happen.
• The Vice Chairperson serves three consecutive one-year terms: one as Vice-Chairperson/Chairperson Elect, one as Chairperson, and one as Immediate Past Chair and Chair of the Scholarship Committee. Your busiest year would be the 2nd year. As Chairperson, you would run all of the meetings and work with other board members to plan programs. As Immediate Past Chair you chair the Scholarship Committee.
• The Scholarship Committee member helps plan meetings, and helps administer the NOTSL scholarships. This is a two-year commitment.
• The Executive Committee member helps plan meetings and projects and generally assists the Chair. This is a two-year commitment.
• The Secretary shall take minutes at all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee; maintain and preserve these and all other pertinent records of the organization; and send copies of the minutes and reports to any affiliated groups requesting them. This is a two-year commitment.
They are seeking candidates for each of these offices. Are you interested in running for NOTSL office this spring? If so, please contact Regina Houseman<mailto:reghouseman at gmail.com> or at
SOA Scholarships Available
The Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA) is pleased to announce four scholarships available to students (2 awards), and new archival professionals (2 awards) with three years or less experience in the workplace to attend their annual spring meeting on Friday, May 15, 2020 at the Columbus Metropolitan Main Library, 96 S. Grant Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215.
The scholarship consists of conference registration (including lunch), a one-year membership to SOA, and a $100 travel stipend. Awardees are required to submit a photograph and write about their experience for publication in the Ohio Archivist newsletter.
Applications should include the following information:
* Applicant's name, mailing address, and e-mail address.
* Students should list their school's name and academic program;
* New professionals should list their employer and number of years working within the field;
* Description about how the meeting will benefit the applicant professionally;
* Brief description of the applicant's scholarship and contribution to archives. This will be taken into consideration along with the applicant's number of years in the field or academic study;
* Statement of the applicant's need for financial support to attend the conference;
* Applications are due by March 13, 2020.
Applications and inquiries can be sent via e-mail or mail to Devhra Bennett Jones<mailto:Devhra at Lloydlibrary.org> , Lloyd Library, 917 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. The awards will be presented at the Society of Ohio Archivists Annual meeting on Friday, May 15, 2020 at the Columbus Metropolitan Main Library, 96 S. Grant Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215.
A Note from the Executive Director
[https://myneotoday.org/photos/35223_01302017091627.jpg]I can’t wait until Thursday, April 2 nd for our annual Critical Conversations Conference. Each year we try to design the day around a topic we feel is timely and will be helpful in better preparing you to provide excellence to your communities. This year our title is “Building Empathy to Build Community” and there is something for everyone. I guarantee the day will impact you and increase your understanding of why empathy is so important in building community. Empathy is a foundational concept in diversity, equity and inclusion awareness and can lead to more effective community connections. As such, it is critical to all aspects of service from collection development to programming to marketing to customer service. We will start the day with Holly Bognar, introducing us to the main concepts of emotional intelligence – self-awareness, self-management, social awareness (empathy) and relationship awareness. Tamara King, Community Relations Director, Richland Library, Columbia, SC and a 2019 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, will follow and will highlight Richland’s “My Life Experience” mobile empathy lab, the first of its kind in U.S. public libraries. Breakout sessions will feature Carol Jackson, Branch Manager/Adult Programming Coordinator, Ramsey County Library (MN) and a 2019 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, talking about their collaborative community series, “Ask,” a bi-monthly discussion giving voice to the community’s underrepresented residents. Helena Richardson from Ashtabula County District Library will walk us through their successful Human Library events. Carrie Girton from Miami University will talk about empathetic marketing to reach students and ease library anxiety and Toby Greenwalt from Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will speak about digital empathy. Tamara King will also conduct a breakout around her library’s experiences in developing the series, “Courageous Conversations,” and their use of VR technology in empathy exercises. An additional breakout session will focus on utilizing the Great Stories Club, “Empathy: The Cost of Switching Sides,” information to talk about empathy with youth. The day will end with an interactive wrap-up exercise led by Tamara King. Mark your calendars for April 2 nd and I will see you there!
Betsy Lantz
It is Time to Register
2020 Census and Libraries: Key Details and Strategies<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55315>
What the Heck Happened? 2019 Employment Law Update: Part II<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55245>
Teen Summer Reading Program: Imagine Your Story <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55510>
The Road to Copyright Clarity<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55604>
New Supervisors' Academy<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55606>
Gadgets and Gizmos: Exploring Technology for Youth<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55479>
Creating and Maintaining a Summer Reading Database<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55625>
Why SMART Goals <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55477>
AOS Training and Fiscal Officer Network<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55746>
EBSCO Do-It-Yourself Interfaces (Hobbies and Crafts, Home Improvement, and Small Business)<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55240>
The Return of Book Look<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55626>
If It's Broke, Fix It: Handling Leftover Challenges Effectively<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55627>
Enhancing Community Partnerships and Grant Writing<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55249>
The Basics of Project Management<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55264>
Encore Entrepreneurship<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55629>
A Day for Catalogers <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55745>
Leadership Academy<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55598>
Human Resources Network Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=56004>
A Day for Public Service<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55599>
Leveraging Libraries as a Resource for Immigrant and Refugee Neighbors<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55632>
Next Level LEGOS <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55633>
Budgeting Part 1: The Rules<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55636>
Where is Day for Circ Staff?
Where is Day for Circ Staff ? It has been renamed A Day for Public Service and it is part of our New Customer Service Academy. <https://www.neo-rls.org/new_-_customer_service_academy.php>
Join your colleagues in public service for a morning learning about how to Ditch the Drama: Strategies for Peak Performance: More Peace, Less Drama.
We are living and working in dramatic and demanding times. A lot of focus and energy are dissipated on drama instead of productive, proactive work. This workshop focuses on changing your mindset and behavior in ways that help you find happiness and success regardless of your circumstances. In addition, you will learn how to deal with negativity, complaints, and gossip as well as learning tools to coach others.
Learning Objectives:
* Take personal responsibility for your happiness and success
* Diffuse drama
* Learn positive ways to deal with negativity at work
After lunch we will have open discussion to discuss your challenges and successes. This is an opportunity to network with your fellow public service staff.
Presenter: Marti Peden -For over 25 years, Marti has worked with numerous libraries as a speaker, facilitator and strategic planning consultant. She has worked with many of the libraries within the NEO-RLS regional library system as well as facilitating staff days for various public libraries
There are four different opportunities for you to attend:
Tuesday, March, 24, 2020-Canfield Library <https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo_responsive.php?eventid=55599&org_id=NEOL>
Thursday, May 14, 2020-Wayne County Public Library <https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo_responsive.php?eventid=55809&org_id=NEOL>
Tuesday, August 4, 2020-Westlake Porter Public Library <https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo_responsive.php?eventid=55810&org_id=NEOL>
Thursday, November 5, 2020-Mentor Public Library <https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo_responsive.php?eventid=55811&org_id=NEOL>
New Source Sets Created
The State Library of Ohio and Ohio Digital Network are pleased to announce the creation of eight primary source sets, available for all to use and access at the Ohio Digital Network <https://ohiodigitalnetwork.org/educators/primary-source-sets/> website. Curated by members of the Ohio Digital Network Outreach Working Group, each of the following themed set of resources focuses on Ohio and American history, and includes links to the primary sources on the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)<https://dp.la/>website:
African American Ohioans in the Arts<http://ohiodigitalnetwork.org/african-american-ohioans-in-the-arts/>
Flooding in Ohio: Using Historical Floods to Prepare for the Future <http://ohiodigitalnetwork.org/flooding-in-ohio-using-historical-floods-to-prepare-for-the-future/>
Flora and Fauna of Ohio<http://ohiodigitalnetwork.org/flora-and-fauna-of-ohio/>
Historic Ethnic Groups in Ohio<http://ohiodigitalnetwork.org/historic-ethnic-groups-in-ohio/>
Industry in Ohio<http://ohiodigitalnetwork.org/industry-in-ohio/>
The Underground Railroad in Ohio<http://ohiodigitalnetwork.org/the-underground-railroad-in-ohio/>
Women’s Suffrage and the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment <http://ohiodigitalnetwork.org/womens-suffrage-and-the-100th-anniversary-of-the-19th-amendment/>
Template 1 - NEONews February 4, 2020
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Northeast Ohio Regional Library System | 1737 Georgetown Rd., Suite B | Hudson, OH 44236
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