[OPLINLIST] DPLA Black Women's Suffrage Webinar July 16th FREE!
jjohnson at library.ohio.gov
jjohnson at library.ohio.gov
Wed Jul 8 12:27:50 EDT 2020
The Digital Public Library of America is launching a new exhibit in line with many celebrations of the passage of the 19th Amendment in the U.S., focused specifically on the work that Black women in America did to gain access to voting power and representation in elections nationwide.
In advance of that launch, they've scheduled a free webinar, open to all who are interested in learning more:
Race, Gender, Politics, and History: Reconstructing Visibility of Black Women's Activism
Date: Thursday, July 16th, 1-2:30pm ET
In commemoration of journalist, suffragist, and anti-lynching and civil rights activist Ida B. Wells-Barnett's birthday, we will host a community gathering introducing our forthcoming Black Women's Suffrage collection. The event will feature a keynote by historian Allison Robinson about teaching with digital exhibits, her experience working with the university's Ida B. Wells collection, and how digital artifacts can help reconstruct visibility. Some of our partners will also introduce the collections that they are digitizing as part of the Black Women's Suffrage collection and provide some perspective about how these artifacts can help us better understand Black women suffragists and the historical and continuing activism of Black women.
Keynote: Allison Robinson, Doctoral Candidate in American History and American Material Culture, and Instructor at the University of Chicago
Dana Chandler, University Archivist and Associate Professor, Tuskegee University Archives
Christopher Harter, Deputy Director and/or Lisa C. Moore, Reference Archivist, Amistad Research Center
Aaisha Haykal, Manager of Archival Services, Avery Institute of Afro-American History & Culture
Sarah Tanner, Head, Archives Research Center, Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
Please register here<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdpla.zoom.us%2Fwebinar%2Fregister%2FWN_UQSVTz5uT6-a4CM9BWyDzg%3Fmc_cid%3D6cfe3140d7%26mc_eid%3D%255BUNIQID%255D&data=02%7C01%7Cjjohnson%40library.ohio.gov%7C5869fbe70c4144f42a1f08d8235b7806%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C637298223049970751&sdata=M8SwNEt78uvthXHa4jDb%2FgFeJciswJ8R9aIFb9AYhuQ%3D&reserved=0>
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