[OPLINLIST] NEO-RLS News: Times of Transition, Silver Tsunami, New Tapas Learning, & Anti-Racism Reading Lists

Melissa Lattanzi lattanzm at neo-rls.org
Tue Jun 9 08:58:47 EDT 2020

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NEO-RLS News-June 8, 2020
Weekly Updates

  *   A Note from the Executive Director, Betsy Lantz
  *   The Silver Tsunami and Your Library-Learn to Surf or Be Swept Away! [Updated for the Pandemic]
  *   Tapas Learning: Creating an Interactive Virtual Murder Mystery Program
  *   CE at a Glance is Back
  *   Don't Miss an Online Learning Opportunity
  *   Anti-Racism Reading Lists and Resources
  *   Carmen Agra Deedy is the 2020 National Summer Reading Champion

A Note from the Executive Director, Betsy Lantz

It is often difficult to deal with the day to day situations that confront us in our jobs and lives without the added layers of stress and uncertainty that we have been undergoing during the past three months.  Even as it feels like a positive to move back out into the world and into our libraries, it also feels like we are exchanging the current stressors for new ones, especially in light of the ongoing nature of the pandemic, the death of George Floyd, and the subsequent civil unrest occurring nationwide.  It is clear we are in a period of sustained flux and upheaval.  For this reason, we challenged one of our most popular and respected presenters, Marti Peden, to create a participatory and interactive, two hour webinar entitled, Navigating through Times of Transition <https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo_responsive.php?eventid=57742&org_id=NEOL> .  As always, Marti has delivered.  On July 9th , Marti will help us look at ways of moving forward in periods of uncertainty, such as those we are experiencing, and will teach us how to handle times of great change with less disruption.  She will provide tips to reduce the stress caused by change and ambiguity.  I know that I am looking forward to hearing what Marti has to say and I hope you will join me.  The better equipped we are to deal with our own stress, the better able we are to respond to the situations that await us.  Hang in there, enjoy your week and stay well!

Betsy Lantz

The Silver Tsunami and Your Library-Learn to Surf or Be Swept Away! [Updated for the Pandemic]
Wednesday, June 17th at 2 pm<https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo_responsive.php?eventid=55822&org_id=NEOL>
The news is everywhere about the aging of America and our changing population.  Aging affects the individual, the family, and the community. What does this mean for you and your library?  Come hear the latest research and learn about trends in this worldwide phenomenon.  We'll ponder how libraries are being impacted in multiple ways and you'll have an opportunity to contribute to our collective wisdom.  How can we respond to this seismic shift?  How can we utilize the expertise inherent in an older population?  How can libraries best serve this diverse and growing segment of our society?  How can we partner with other community organizations to expand our reach and impact?  Join us for this fast-paced hour and leave with proven programs and successful strategies as well as a new appreciation for your own aging process!

Read More<http://www.neo-rls.org/v_newsletters/article_165316727.htm>
Tapas Learning: Creating an Interactive Virtual Murder Mystery Program
[http://neo-rls.org/photos/Privett.png]Welcome to our fourth NEO-RLS Tapas Learning video: <https://youtu.be/T--LYB11K4A> short, sharable lessons about library services. Sheila Privett from the Andover Public Library explains how she created a virtual murder mystery program that spanned multiple days and sparked excellent interaction amongst patrons and the library.
CE at a Glance is Back
Please take moment to share CE at a Glance <https://www.neo-rls.org/docs/0620_NEO-RLS_CE.pdf> with your staff.  There is something for everyone.
Don't Miss an Online Learning Opportunity

Library Technology Planning for Today and Tomorrow: Part 2<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55688>
Technical Services Virtual Networking Meeting <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=57765>
HR Stuff that Every Supervisor Should Know<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=57805>
COVID-19: Documenting the Pandemic in Your Community<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=57741>
Connecting with Teens Today and Tomorrow <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=57901>

See More<http://www.neo-rls.org/v_newsletters/article_165320393.htm>
Anti-Racism Reading Lists and Resources
Adrienne Butler, youth services consultant at the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, has compiled a large list of Anti-Racism Reading Lists and Resources for use by any librarian, to support young people and their adults:
wiki.cya.oklibshare.org/images/7/7c/Anti-Racism_Reading_Lists_and_Resources.pdf <https://wiki.cya.oklibshare.org/images/7/7c/Anti-Racism_Reading_Lists_and_Resources.pdf>
Carmen Agra Deedy is the 2020 National Summer Reading Champion
[http://neo-rls.org/photos/Deedy.png]The Collaborative Summer Library Program is excited to share that author and storyteller Carmen Agra Deedy is the 2020 National Summer Reading Champion . Carmen has agreed to offer live stories on Facebook, "Fridays at Noon (ET) in June." at www.facebook.com/carmenagradeedy<http://www.facebook.com/carmenagradeedy>.

Read More<http://www.neo-rls.org/v_newsletters/article_165322837.htm>
Template 11 - NEO-RLS News-June 8, 2020

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Northeast Ohio Regional Library System | 1737 Georgetown Rd., Suite B | Hudson, OH 44236

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