[OPLINLIST] Virtual Programs
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Mon May 18 11:32:04 EDT 2020
Good morning all,
Grace, thank you for sharing the 2020 PL Statistics info from the Library Youth Services list. There's also this update from State Library originally posted May 1, which I'm pasting below. Of course, libraries aren't limited to only keeping track of the stats that the State Library needs for the Public Library Report. You may also keep records of any activity you want to share directly with your local stakeholders, in addition to what you send in the Public Library Statistics survey.
The State Library of Ohio will be adding several new questions to the 2020 Public Library Report (collected in early 2021) related to the COVID-19 pandemic and how Ohio's libraries responded and continued to serve their patrons during this crisis. This list will likely evolve with input from the library community and as things continue to change in the state.
Please note, these questions and definitions only apply to the 2020 Public Library Report. If you have not completed your 2019 Public Library Report, the absolute last day to do so will be May 31, 2020.
* Date of COVID-19 Closure: This is the date the library ceased normal physical operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Services such as curbside pickup may have been offered after this official date of closure. If patrons are not allowed in the building, the building is closed even if staff are providing services.
* Date of COVID-19 Reopening: This is the date the library resumed normal physical operations after COVID-19 closures. This is the date patrons were able to enter the library again after the library building had been closed. Curbside pickup and other services may have been available prior to this official date of reopening.
* Virtual Programs Offered: A virtual program (a single live event on a single day) is any library planned event which introduces the group attending to any of the broad range of library services or activities or which directly provide information to online participants, where the audience will view the content virtually as it is created (Live). Virtual Programs may cover use of the library, library services, or library tours. Programs may also provide cultural, recreational, or educational information, often designed to meet a specific social need.
* Count all virtual programs, hosted and performed by the library. If virtual programs are offered as a series, count each program in the series. For example, a reoccurring storytime series on Facebook offered once a week for 4 weeks should be counted as four virtual programs. The live audience attending this program should be reported as attendees.
* Virtual Program Attendance: The number of attendees at a virtual program (a virtual program being defined as a live single event on a single day). Count only the participants watching the program as it airs (Live Audience). Do not count views of the program after the offered program has concluded (i.e. recordings) for inclusion in this category.
* Views on Facebook Live: It's safe to assume that in many cases, like early childhood programming, one or more individuals will be viewing a screen together. One screen will register on the FB attendance count as one view. For the 2020 Ohio public library survey, count one view as one program attendee UNLESS you can document multiple attendees. Specifically, if you ask attendees to comment with how many people are viewing the content, you can then add the additional numbers you receive to the number of live views. So if a patron comments that two people are viewing from one device, you'd add +1 to the live viewer number.
* Also about views on Facebook Live: FB will register a view even if someone only watches for a few minutes and doesn't view the entire program. That is OK. You can count as an attendee someone who attends part of a traditional program, and you can do the same with online programs. Please use the longest interval (I've heard both 30 seconds and one minute are sometimes available) to count attendees, not five or 10 seconds.
* Live moderated discussions (such as book discussion groups on FB/Twitter): if led by a library staff member, you may count it as a program and count the number of unique commenters as attendees while the program was happening live.
* Library Created Virtual Program Recorded Views: Report the number of views of library created virtual content such as programming intended for live audiences and then archived for future viewing. Only report data for programming created and produced by the library. Do not include live views in this count. The number of views of recorded programs will not count towards your programming total that goes to IMLS, but it will be valuable in showing the state, local government and your patrons the additional services the library provided.
* Did your library provide Wi-Fi access during the COVID-19 closure period? Yes/No: Did your Wi-Fi signal remain active and available for use either with or without the need for login information (such as a library card), during the period the library implemented COVID-19 services?
Other Potential Questions for the 2020 Public Library Report:
* Staffing-furloughs (paid and unpaid) layoffs, and other reductions
* Additional questions on services offered (possibly a text box)
If you would like additional information or have questions, please contact Kirstin Krumsee<mailto:kkrumsee at library.ohio.gov>.
From: OPLINLIST <oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org> On Behalf Of Grace Freeman via OPLINLIST
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2020 7:48 AM
To: oplinlist at lists.oplin.org; Melyssa Jones <mallen at hbmlibrary.org>
Subject: Re: [OPLINLIST] Virtual Programs
Copy and pasting from an email out of the State Library:
State Library data consultant Kirstin Krumsee is preparing advice for libraries about virtual programming and the Public Library Statistics. This advice will be shared widely, including on the LYS list. Please note that it specifically addresses the statistics that your library provides to the State Library of Ohio for our report to IMLS. There is a lot of library activity that isn't "counted" for that purpose, but that is still significant and impactful. I encourage you to keep statistics on ANY activity that is meaningful to your community and stakeholders. You can share activity results with your Board, administration, community partners, funders, and the general public even if they are not statistics that are collected by the State Library.
Some specific youth services situations that came up at yesterday's Ohio Youth Services meet-up or elsewhere:
* Views on Facebook Live: It's safe to assume that in many cases, for early childhood programming, an adult and one or more children are viewing a screen together. But it's one screen and will register on the FB count as one view. For the 2020 Ohio public library survey, count one view as one program attendee UNLESS you can document multiple attendees. Specifically, if you ask attendees to comment with how many people are viewing the content, you can then add the additional numbers you receive to the number of live views. So if a patron comments that two people are viewing from one device, you'd add +1 to the live viewer number.
* Also about views on Facebook Live: FB will register a view even if someone only watches for a few minutes and doesn't view the entire program. That is OK. You can count as an attendee someone who attends part of a traditional program, and you can do the same with online programs.
* Downloads of virtual kits, storytime resources, readers' guides, etc.: There is no IMLS category for these; similar to traditional passive programs which are also not counted in the public library survey. I know no one likes that - you put a lot of work into passive programs, and now, into virtual kits, and we respect that, but we just don't have a category. Call it government bureaucracy if you like, and count those downloads for your local communications.
* Live moderated discussions (such as book discussion groups on FB/Twitter): if led by a library staff member, you may count it as a program and count the number of unique commenters as attendees.
* Views of recorded programs: For IMLS purposes, a program is only a program if it's live. Kirstin hopes to add a section to the 2020 Ohio public library survey on COVID-19 and library responses, to cover things like views of recorded programs. But IMLS will not count these. We ask that libraries count views of recorded programs separately during the public health emergency and be prepared to report those numbers to the State Library separately from live programs.
Please note that these recommendations apply only to statistics collection for the 2020 Ohio Public Library Survey. If your library has not yet submitted the 2019 survey, please do not alter your 2019 statistics to reflect what is in this email or in future advice from Kirstin (and get your 2019 survey in!).
Kirstin will sit in on the Ohio Youth Services meet-up on Tuesday, April 21 (i.e. in 2 weeks) to address any other statistics questions and to clarify the above.
Many thanks for your continued diligence in counting and recording your program statistics on top of everything else that is going on. You truly rock.
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Janet Ingraham Dwyer
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-644-6910
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov<mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>
Grace Freeman
Adult Services Librarian
Grandview Heights Public Library
Where the Community Connects
(614) 486.2951
[cid:image003.jpg at 01D62D04.8209AE80]<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.libraryjournal.com%2F%3FdetailStory%3Dljx191202_StarLibraries&data=02%7C01%7Cjdwyer%40library.ohio.gov%7C3c7a56b635b842e4dac208d7fa582927%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C637253128873460682&sdata=w8sZ%2FtzxH6aNG%2BMEEi8nk03X9gmCojykBZXFt0l8SdU%3D&reserved=0>
I'm currently reading: The Breakdown by B.A. Paris
From: OPLINLIST <oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org<mailto:oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org>> on behalf of Melyssa Jones via OPLINLIST <oplinlist at lists.oplin.org<mailto:oplinlist at lists.oplin.org>>
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 3:49 PM
To: oplinlist at lists.oplin.org<mailto:oplinlist at lists.oplin.org> <oplinlist at lists.oplin.org<mailto:oplinlist at lists.oplin.org>>
Subject: [OPLINLIST] Virtual Programs
Hello Everyone!
A couple days ago I posted about how everyone is keeping track of stats on facebook. I got some feedback, which I really appreciate!
On that note, my new question is this: How long do you keep track of stats (views) for a single recorded video? Today I posted a pre-recorded storytime. Do I count only the views for the next 24 hours, or just an hour after it posted? We are not taking any down at this moment in time, but we are looking to see for how long does it "count" so to speak.
Thank you!
Melyssa Jones
Adult Services Coordinator
Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library
mallen at hbmlibrary.org<mailto:mallen at hbmlibrary.org>
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