[OPLINLIST] NEO-RLS News: Thank You, Discount, Hybrid E-Tech, Innovative Partnerships, & Small Libraries Program
Melissa Lattanzi
lattanzm at neo-rls.org
Mon Nov 16 14:19:05 EST 2020
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NEO-RLS News-November 16, 2020
Creating Library Videos for Young Children
A Note from the Executive Director
[http://neo-rls.org/photos/67680_10162020152335.jpg]Tomorrow at our Membership and Appreciation Meeting <http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43436891&nr=5296675583> we will be honoring those of you who have worked to make the region’s libraries stronger by participating on the NEO-RLS Board, Board Committees, Advisory Groups, Summer Reading Committees, Network Group Facilitators, Hosting Libraries, and as Presenters. As a small organization with four staff, we couldn’t possibly do all that we do without the commitment and support of so many of you. We thank you and want you to know that our combined efforts really DO make a difference as is reflected in emails received and evaluations completed. In addition, we really do listen to our members and so many of our webinars and workshops reflect your suggestions. Sometimes it takes us a while to provide what you have asked for as we seek out the right presenter and coordinate schedules. But, we never put any suggestions aside. One such example is a program on Parliamentary Procedure which was suggested to us about a year ago and has been continually delayed due to scheduling and the pandemic. Another example is the idea for an extended course on professional writing for those working in libraries. I’m pleased to say that we have found an English faculty member to teach such a course and information regarding the 8 week class will be forthcoming. Other suggestions we are beginning to work on include a program for providing consumer health librarianship in the time of COVID and a webinar on employee office etiquette. We are fortunate to have so many engaged members with so many excellent ideas! If you have an idea for training and development, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Together we are maximizing library potential. Stay well and have a good week!
Betsy Lantz
CE to Print and Share
Please take a moment to share CE at a Glance <http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43397787&nr=5296675583> with your staff. There is something for everyone.
Never Miss an Opportunity to Network and Learn
IT Network Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43423449&nr=5296675583>
2020 Hottest Tech Toys for the Holidays<http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43424671&nr=5296675583>
Youth Book Buzz Presented by Penguin Random House <http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43401453&nr=5296675583>
Technical Services Virtual Networking Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43425893&nr=5296675583>
Outreach Virtual Networking Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43427115&nr=5296675583>
Directors Virtual Networking Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43428337&nr=5296675583>
Public Relations and Marketing Networking Meeting <http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43429559&nr=5296675583>
Human Resource and Fiscal Officer Virtual Networking Meeting <http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43430781&nr=5296675583>
NEO-RLS Announcements
Visit with Wendy Knapp, State Librarian of Ohio
Due to the pandemic, Wendy Knapp has not been able to visit the libraries in our region. However, she would like to meet you and is happy to arrange for a time to visit virtually. If you would like to do so, please contact Julia Ward <http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43432003&nr=5296675583> , Executive Secretary to the State Librarian’s Office, to make arrangements.
Patron Point offers Members expanded discount
Patron Point is delighted to offer NEO-RLS Public Libraries a 50% discount on the set-up fee. We are currently gathering expressions of interest in this solution to better understand the economies of scale of a group purchase. Click here <http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43417339&nr=5296675583> to view the archived webinar by Patron Point on Marketing Automation in Public Libraries . If you are interested in this group discount, please email Melissa Lattanzi.<http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43406341&nr=5296675583>
Hot Events
Hybrid Emerging Tech Program
E-Tech Education for You and Your Library: A Testimonial
"We were so pleased that we could offer safe, physically distanced technology training to our staff that still featured hands-on learning. Holly produced a phenomenal video explaining each device, and then she delivered a kit that we could set up in a meeting room. Our staff could watch the video as their schedule permitted, then singly or in small groups experiment with each item in the kit. After we'd had access to the video and kit for about a week, Holly led a live Q&A over Zoom to answer any questions we had about the gadgets. Holly's presentation was knowledgeable and accessible as always, and we're so glad that we didn't miss out on hearing about the latest tech because of COVID!" - Carla Schrober, Westlake Porter Public Library
Contact Holly Klingler <http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43422227&nr=5296675583> if you are interested in this service for your library.
Free Program
[http://neo-rls.org/photos/68750_11132020135249.jpg]Join the Massachusetts Library System for the third Small Libraries Forum: Small Libraries, Big Connections! November 17 - 18, 10 AM - 2 PM. <http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43418561&nr=5296675583>
Sessions spread over two days including keynote by Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Spotlights on Success, Libraries in the Woods panel, and a panel on collaborations with other organizations. There will also be an hour dedicated to group discussions on what is important to you. All presentations will be recorded. The Small Libraries Forum is made possible by a grant from the Manton Foundation.
From the State Library
As part of an upcoming CSLP newsletter article, we are interested in learning about your past and future use of CSLP incentives. If you have the time, please fill out the following 9-question survey<http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43419783&nr=5296675583>. Thank you!
The National Network of Libraries of Medicine has a new resource collection for public libraries . The collection features health information, programming, and other resources specifically for public library workers. The landing page features recorded webinars NNLM has hosted on conducting virtual health programming. Of interest to children’s and teen services specialists: summer reading supports, sensory storytime links, and mental health resources.
NNLM Health Resources for Public Libraries<http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43421005&nr=5296675583>
Innovative Partnerships
[http://neo-rls.org/photos/Screen_Shot_2020-11-13_at_10.19.26_AM.png]Perry Public Library collaborated with the Perry Middle School STEM class to provide drones and hands-on learning through their piloted drone “Olympics.” Students learned about aviation, laws of motion, aerodynamics and more. They were featured in WVIZ News Depth A+ award<http://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=43416117&nr=5296675583>.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Template 11 - NEO-RLS News-November 16, 2020
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Northeast Ohio Regional Library System | 1737 Georgetown Rd., Suite B | Hudson, OH 44236
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