[OPLINLIST] GNCRT is now seeking nominations for 4 new board members for April 2021 Elections!

Franco Vitella Franco.Vitella at TOLEDOLIBRARY.ORG
Mon Oct 12 19:51:55 EDT 2020

Are YOU ready for a new challenge?

The ALA Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table (GNCRT) is now seeking nominations for 4 new volunteer board members to be elected during the ALA Elections in April 2021.

We are looking for more members to join us in leadership roles - especially student members, library workers, and international members!

If you know someone who would be a good candidate, please encourage them to apply!

The Nomination form will remain open until Dec 3, 2020 at 11:59pm CT.

We are seeking candidates for the following positions:

  *   Vice President/President-Elect (3 yr term - President-Elect, then as President, then as Past President)
  *   Secretary (2 yr term)
  *   Member-at-Large - 2 positions OPEN (2 yr term)

*NOTE: Those running for office must be GNCRT members in good standing before they can be officially nominated.

Want more information?

  *   Check out our 'About' section for information on our Current Board and to browse some 'GNCRT in the News' to read about some of our initiates this year: http://www.ala.org/rt/gncrt/about-gncrt
  *   Check out our 'GNCRT in the news' to read about some of our initiatives this year: http://www.ala.org/rt/gncrt/about-gncrt/gncrt-news

Or email gncrt at ala.org<mailto:gncrt at ala.org> and one of our current officers will get back to you!


Specific instructions filling out the Nomination Form:

     *   Where to Find It: https://divrt.directnominations.net/
     *   Deadline to Fill It Out: the Nomination form will remain open until Dec 3, 2020 at 11:59pm CT.
     *   NOTE: this nomination form is the ALA overall nomination form - for GNCRT nominations please scroll down to Item line #80 for 'Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table'
     *   Filling Out the Form: not all fields are required for the form - the required 7 fields to fill out (though you can certainly fill out everything if you so choose!) are:
        *   Personal Information
        *   How would you like your name to appear on the ballot
        *   Institution / Organization - you can put your institution / organization -- or use Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table for this
        *   City
        *   State / Province
        *   Statement of Professional Concerns / Aspirations if Elected (max 150 words) - inspire us! What do you want to do with a leadership role on GNCRT?
        *   ALA member #

Franco Vitella - he/him/his

Acting Manager, Mobile Services

Toledo Lucas County Public Library

Board Member at Large, ALA Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table


Web<http://www.toledolibrary.org>| Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/ToledoLibrary/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/toledolibrary?lang=en> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/toledolibrary/?hl=en> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWSgkDpo3xbGUipiRikKxZw>
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