[OPLINLIST] Closes Sunday, August 8! CEO position-Topeka & Shawnee County (KS) Public Library

Jobeth Bradbury jobethbradbury at BradburyMiller.com
Thu Aug 5 09:25:25 EDT 2021


The Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, a municipal corporation governed by an appointed Board of Trustees, seeks an accomplished Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who is committed to sparking curiosity and connections through literacy and learning in Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas. The new leader of the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library<https://tscpl.org/>, Library Journal/Gale's 2016 Library of the Year, will be ready to enhance the Library's role in a world that continues to change. Transforming the lives of its citizens through its five community impact goals<https://tscpl.org/about/community-impact-goals>, the CEO reports to a ten-member governing Board and works collaboratively with The Library Foundation, the Friends of the Library, a stellar staff (213 positions), and community partners to provide essential library services and programs charting a clear course. This award-winning Library, supported by a statutory mill levy which provides an annual $22.3 million budget, has a 21st-century landmark building featuring the Alice C. Sabatini Gallery, the Millennium Café, and the Chandler "Booktique" (bookstore and gift shop). In 2019, more than 2,000 people walked through its doors daily and checked out more than 2.3 million items. The library's mobile services, augmented with a new fleet of vehicles, traveled across the County and provided services to 55 senior living facilities, 80 preschools and many homebound customers. The library also serves customers through a 24/7 digital branch and offers state-of-the-art technology, youth programs that encourage learning and reading, accessibility services addressing the needs of older readers and persons with disabilities, and reference and research tools. There is something for everyone at TSCPL!

Topeka<https://www.topeka.org/>, (the state capital and third largest city in Kansas), is in the heart of Shawnee County along the Kansas River and is a thriving seat of government, education, cultural events, and entrepreneurial spirit. In 2017, Kiplinger Finance Magazine designated Topeka one of the top ten cities for the next decade.  Neighborhoods, schools, civic and cultural activities, and economic incentives combine to make Topeka one of the best small metros in the United States with an overall cost of living more than 10 percent below the national urban area average. There are 60,000 university students within a 60-mile radius of Topeka, including Topeka's own Washburn University flanked by Kansas University to the east and Kansas State University to the west. The city draws young talent to make up a diverse and highly skilled workforce and add to its vibrancy and appeal. The arts are alive and well in Topeka with more than 20 galleries, performing and visual artist venues and the NOTO Arts District that offers studio space and display opportunities in a collaborative environment. Topeka's Momentum 2022 plan has instilled a can-do attitude in our community. With more than 30,000 people working in the downtown area daily, there is momentum for new businesses, retail, restaurants, events, and community pride!

Responsibilities. The Chief Executive Officer formulates and oversees implementation of library goals, policy recommendations, procedures, programs, and projects in accordance with policies established by the Library Board of Trustees and mandated by the laws of the state of Kansas. Providing vision, direction, and leadership, the CEO is responsible for, but not limited to, the delivery of library services with an emphasis on equity, diversity, and inclusion; oversight of human resources focusing on mentoring and coaching a committed staff; development and presentation of the annual budget; coordination of collaborative, strong relationships with the Library Board, the Library Foundation, and the Friends of the Library; and a continued knowledge and interest of current trends in leading for the future of the Library.

Qualifications. Minimum qualifications include a master's degree in library or information science from an ALA-accredited program and five years of progressively responsible administrative and managerial experience in public libraries. Essential attributes include personal integrity, demonstrated skill and experience with fiscal oversight and budgeting, excellent interpersonal and consensus-building skills, a focus on creating a culture of trust and collaboration with internal and external stakeholders and demonstrated ability to provide leadership throughout the Library promoting the values set forth in the Library's mission.  In addition, the CEO should possess demonstrable communication skills that span the library, its staff and stakeholders and the community at large. The CEO, through care, compassion, and energy will galvanize organizational efforts to position the Library at the forefront of library service.  A sense of curiosity, creativity, and innovation; a thorough knowledge of current trends, technologies and "best practices" for libraries; and prior successful experience reporting to a governing Board are desirable attributes and qualifications for the next TSCPL CEO. To view the complete position description, visit TSCPL CEO<https://bradburymiller.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/tscpljobdesc.pdf>.

Compensation. The hiring salary range is $145,000-$165,000 (with placement negotiable dependent on experience and qualifications) and an excellent fringe benefits package.  By contract, the CEO will be required to reside in Shawnee County.

For further information, contact Bradbury Miller Associates<https://bradburymiller.com/job/topeka/>. Apply via email with a meaningful cover letter and your resume as Word or pdf attachments to Jobeth Bradbury<mailto:jobethbradbury at bradburymiller.com>.  This position closes August 8, 2021.

Jobeth Bradbury
Bradbury Miller Associates<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gossagesager.com%2F&data=04%7C01%7Cjthurber%40tesu.edu%7Cbe226595b044429a1b2408d8953f2f35%7C6d2b00436bcc41218aec835914be507a%7C0%7C0%7C637423445921685423%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=o2pqgE15CMkE%2Fs2Ar2qiyDTdobzkKCXbdNY7OpgDi4w%3D&reserved=0>
4545 Wornall Rd, Ste. 805
Kansas City, MO 64111
816-803-7087 (cell); 816-531-2468 (office)
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