[OPLINLIST] Fwd: Emergency Connectivity Fund Program Newsletter - July 13

Don Yarman don at oplin.ohio.gov
Wed Jul 14 06:45:35 EDT 2021

A newsletter with some useful information about ECF. Apologies for

                    Don Yarman
                    Director, Ohio Public Library Information Network
                    2323 W Fifth Ave Suite 130, Columbus OH 43204
                    don at oplin.ohio.gov | 614.728.5250

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From: USAC <DoNotReply at usac.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 6:01 PM
Subject: Emergency Connectivity Fund Program Newsletter - July 13
To: <don at oplin.ohio.gov>

ECF Office Hours Tomorrow
this email as a web page.
[image: USAC Banner]
Emergency Connectivity Fund Program Newsletter
July 13, 2021
The *Emergency Connectivity Fund Program application filing window is open!
*This application filing window opened on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 and will
close on August 13, 2021. During this window, applicants may submit
requests for funds for the purchase of eligible equipment and services
made between
July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 to meet the remote learning needs of
students, school staff, and library patrons who would otherwise lack access
to connected devices and broadband connections sufficient to engage in
remote learning.

For more information about the Program, please visit the FCC website
a set of FAQs that cover a number of topics, including eligible entities,
eligible equipment and services, eligible locations, reasonable support
amounts, and unmet needs. New questions and responses are being added to
FAQs, so be sure to check back periodically for more updates.

*Need Help?*
USAC will continue to host weekly office hours
where applicants and service providers can ask questions and get
information about the Emergency Connectivity Fund Program application
process. Register for this week’s office hours session being held this
Wednesday, July 14, 2021.

   - Wednesday, July 14 @ 3 p.m. ET: Emergency Connectivity Fund Overview
   Office Hours – Register

Applicants and service providers can also contact the Emergency
Connectivity Fund Customer Support Center (CSC) with questions at (800)
234-9781 Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.

USAC offers E-learning modules, including a Program Overview video and
an Emergency
Connectivity Fund
FCC Form 471 Walkthrough video, to help applicants successfully participate
in the Emergency Connectivity Fund Program.

Visit the Training
of the Emergency Connectivity Fund Program website to view trainings,
access E-learning modules, register for office hour sessions, and view
recordings of past trainings and office hours sessions.

Applicants can also find more information regarding the Emergency
Connectivity Fund FCC Form 471
the Program website.

*Frequently Asked Questions*

*Do you need to participate in E-Rate to participate in the **Emergency
Connectivity Fund **Program?*
No, you do not need to be a current (or future) E-rate participant to be
eligible for the ECF Program.

*Can applicants pay upfront and seek support for multiyear contracts (e.g.
the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years) in the first application window?*
No. Applicants may only seek support for the monthly costs of services
delivered between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Approved applicants may
not seek reimbursement until after the services have been delivered.

*What if an applicant previously signed a multiyear contract (that includes
this coming school year)?  Can they apply for the services for this coming
school year from the preexisting contract? *
Applicants may seek reimbursement for the services that will be delivered
between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 on a preexisting contract if they
are being provided to students, school staff, or library patrons with unmet

*Are fees for unreturned leased equipment eligible for **Emergency
Connectivity Fund* *support?*
No. Charges for unreturned leased equipment are ineligible for Emergency
Connectivity Fund support.  Charges for termination liability (early
termination), penalty surcharges and other charges not associated with the
purchase of equipment or services are ineligible.

*If a school district provides a personal Wi-Fi hotspot and broadband
service to a percentage of unserved students for use at home, and if the
school district also applies for Wi-Fi hotspots on school buses, is this
considered to be a duplicative service?*
No, it would not be considered a duplicative service. A school may obtain
funding for student hotspots and internet service, as well as hotspots for
use on school buses.  Schools must certify that they are serving an unmet
need at the time they submit their application and be able to provide
additional information, if requested.

*Can schools request **Emergency Connectivity Fund ** support for a small
number of replacement devices that may be needed during the school year?*
No. Applicants are limited to reimbursement of one connected device per
student and cannot request additional connected devices or other equipment
to account for anticipated loss or breakage.

*What is the process for seeking a waiver of the $400 limit if the
reasonable cost to purchase connected devices for students, school staff,
or patrons with disabilities is higher than $400 and the public interest
warrants deviation from the general rule?  *

   - Waivers must be requested from the FCC by filing in WC Docket No.
   21-93.  We encourage applicants to file their request for waiver as soon as
   they are aware of the need, although applicants will have 30 days from the
   date of the funding commitment decision letter.
   - Applicants may file a request for waiver of Emergency Connectivity
   Fund  rules before filing an application, however, we remind applicants
   that applications must be filed by August 13, 2021, even if requests for
   waiver have not been resolved by that date. Applicants may still be
   approved for funding for up to $400 per device even if the applicant has or
   will submit a waiver to request additional funding for the connected
   devices for use by students, school staff or library patrons with

* If a school reopens, and students and school staff are attending school
in person, is off-campus equipment or service for that student or teacher
still eligible for **Emergency Connectivity Fund* *support? *
Yes. Such equipment and services are eligible if needed to meet the remote
learning needs of students, such as homework, or school staff who would
otherwise lack sufficient access to connected devices and/or a broadband
internet access connection while off campus.

The FCC continues to update its FAQs as new questions come in. Additional
FAQs are available at: www.fcc.gov/emergency-connectivity-fund-faqs

*For More Information*
More detail on the Program is available in the FCC Order
established the Emergency Connectivity Fund Program. To learn more, please
visit EmergencyConnectivityFund.org
sign up for Emergency Connectivity Fund Program emails
.  The FCC’s announcement of the application filing window is available on
their website

Applicants and service providers can also contact the Emergency
Connectivity Fund Customer Support Center (CSC) with questions at (800)
234-9781 Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.

Need Help? Contact Us!
Please contact the Emergency Connectivity Fund Customer Support Center
(CSC) at (800) 234-9781 or create a case in the ECF Portal.

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This email was sent to: don at oplin.ohio.gov
Please do not reply to this email.

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