[OPLINLIST] Consumer Reports asks libraries to help promote broadband affordability project

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.ohio.gov
Mon Jul 19 11:16:05 EDT 2021

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National Broadband Affordability Project
Making internet service more affordable and accessible to all

*Consumer Reports* is asking public libraries to help promote its
nationwide search for the truth about internet service in a
first-of-its-kind effort, “Broadband Together.” The initiative aims to
collect thousands of internet bills from consumers across the U.S. —
including those facing disparities in broadband access.

Learn more


Bridging the Digital Divide

We rely on broadband internet every day. However, a digital divide persists
between those who have and can afford internet service and those who
cannot. People without broadband access are disproportionately Black,
Latinx, Indigenous, rural or low-income.

Together, we can change that.

In partnership with a diverse coalition of more than 40 organizations
across the country, *Consumer Reports* is conducting a large-scale study of
the cost of broadband and is asking public libraries and other civic
institutions to help drive national participation.

The project invites consumers to test their internet speed, submit a copy
of their internet service provider (ISP) bill, and complete a short
questionnaire. *Consumer Reports* aims to collect and analyze thousands of
bills and use the data to determine if prices and service vary because of
where people live, because of lack of choice in internet providers, or
because of exorbitant fees and charges. The findings from this
investigation will help the coalition press policymakers in Washington,
D.C., to deliver greater access to fair, affordable, reliable internet

Click the button below to learn more and download resources for promoting
this campaign to your library patrons.

Learn more

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