[OPLINLIST] Grant for Wonderbooks/VOX Books

Laura Klein kleinla at massillonlibrary.org
Tue May 11 15:47:58 EDT 2021

Hey, everyone-

I am applying for a Dollar General Literacy grant to purchase children's Wonderbooks and VOX Books.  Do you have any suggestions for how to answer the questions below?
Assessment Methods
Describe the methods that will be used to assess the effectiveness of your program throughout its progression. Describe the measurement tool that will be used to track education gains and the frequency of measurement.

(1500 character maximum)
*Measurable Results - Defining Success  Describe the specific, measurable results that indicate student improvement you expect to have achieved at the end of the funding period. Avoid using ambiguous phrases such as "satisfied, improved, enhanced, etc." to define success. Use quantitative, not qualitative data to report results. Example: Fifteen students will increase their reading comprehension by one grade level.

These sound so much more like questions for schools!  But the application is also for public libraries.  And yet, the answers to these are required.  Thanks!

Laura A. Klein

Children's Services & Special Projects Manager

Ohio Library Council Certified Library Staff

Massillon Public Library

208 Lincoln Way East, Massillon, OH  44646

Office phone 330-832-9831, ext. 319

Children's Department Desk ext. 317

Fax:  330-830-2182

kleinla at massillonlibrary.org


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     -Barbara Kingsolver

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