[OPLINLIST] Seeking photos of library anti-hunger initiatives

jdwyer at library.ohio.gov jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Tue Nov 2 08:06:36 EDT 2021

Cross-posted. Please excuse duplication.

Team Vittles, an Ohio-based, librarian-led project to spread the word about food justice and libraries, uses advocacy, outreach, and social networking to spotlight the library's role in eradicating hunger.

In conjunction with a website redesign, Team Vittles is seeking photos of Ohio libraries' food distribution initiatives to include on the website and possibly in future webinars or conference presentations.
Do you:

  *   serve summer or afterschool meals,
  *   host a community garden,
  *   offer a seed library,
  *   maintain a Little Free Pantry or a giveaway shelf for food and personal products,
  *   distribute grocery boxes or weekend backpacks,
  *   run food drives, Food for Fines events, or other food collection activities,
  *   or do anything else to increase the availability of healthy food in your community?

Would you share a photo or two (or three) depicting your program, initiative, or activity? Please email your photos to me (jdwyer at library.ohio.gov<mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>) or upload them to Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. and send me the link.

By submitting a photo(s), you certify that Team Vittles has permission to publish each photo, and that you have implicit or explicit consent of all persons appearing in each photo. Please include the name of your library, the branch or location of the photo, and how to credit the photographer/owner.

Thank you!

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Janet Ingraham Dwyer (she/her)
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-644-6910
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov<mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>

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