[OPLINLIST] NEO-RLS News: Masks, Vaccinations, Self-care, Transcripts, From the State Library & OPLIN

Melissa Lattanzi lattanzm at neo-rls.org
Tue Sep 14 09:13:44 EDT 2021

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NEO-RLS News-September 13, 2021
Here is What Our Members are Saying
"NEO has such great CE coming up!"
Membership Meeting
A Note from the Executive Director
[http://neo-rls.org/photos/77535_07122021102302.jpg]I was going to write about all of the constant upheaval being created by the newest surge related to the Delta variant – Who has mask mandates again for all staff and customers and how are they enforced?  Who is or isn’t distributing COVID testing kits and why or why not?  How do we create equitable situations for staff that can work from home and those that can’t?  Should we or should we not offer incentives to staff to encourage vaccination?  This is a small sampling of the many conversations and questions swirling around us at the moment in our libraries.  Thinking about writing about the situation and related questions left me feeling a bit overwhelmed.  However, my recent library visits helped put things into perspective and left me feeling encouraged that our libraries, as always, are talking about these issues, are sharing information with each other and their communities, are actively working to protect their staff and customers, all while continuing to evolve, innovate and transform.   At NEO-RLS we continue trying to do our best to support you through all of the uncertainty and change by focusing on programs about self-care<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52610445&nr=5799095995> and by providing forums <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52692319&nr=5799095995> on a regular schedule for discussion with your colleagues.  Equally important, we hope that we are supporting your continued innovation and community impact by responding to your development and training needs as quickly as we can.  If you have ideas for other ways in which we can assist, please let us know.  Together we are maximizing library potential.  Thanks and have a wonderful week!

Betsy Lantz
CE to Print and Share
Don't forget about CE @ a Glance<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52570119&nr=5799095995> .  A simple one-page flyer to share with your staff.
November Programs
Professional Office Etiquette Basics<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52603113&nr=5799095995>
Diversity and Inclusion as an Essential Ingredient of Collection Building <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52604335&nr=5799095995>
Technical Services/Collection Development Networking Meeting <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52605557&nr=5799095995>
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Youth Literature <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52606779&nr=5799095995>
Adult Services Virtual Networking Meeting<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52608001&nr=5799095995>
Digital Marketing Tips, Tricks & Trends<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52609223&nr=5799095995>
NEO-RLS Annual Membership and Appreciation Meeting <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52568897&nr=5799095995>
Caring for Yourself First - A Conversation about Self Care <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52610445&nr=5799095995>
Academic Library Directors Virtual Networking Meeting <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52611667&nr=5799095995>
Fundraising 201: Setting Your Fundraising Systems Up for Success <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52612889&nr=5799095995>
How Do I Get My NEO-RLS CE Transcript?
We are frequently asked, "Where do I find my transcript that lists all of the continuing education that I have taken through NEO-RLS?"  When you Login to the website <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52683765&nr=5799095995> , you are taken to the page with My Profile at the bottom.  My Transcript is located under Events.  When you click on My Transcript,  all of the classes that you have registered for will be listed.  Let us know if you need further assistance.

We Really Need to Practice Self-care
Where is the Jobline?
Check out the job postings at the new  Jobline location on the website <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52566453&nr=5799095995> under Services.
From the State Library
The Collaborative Summer Library Program is scheduling several opportunities for you to provide input in coming days, in preparation for CSLP’s annual meeting later this month and for future planning. These listening sessions are open to all public library workers. No registration is required; just put the Zoom link on your calendar and log in at the specified time.

We’re excited to announce that registration for ODNFest 2021 is now open<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52614111&nr=5799095995> !
Still 100% free and 100% virtual we hope to see you on Tuesday October 19 th for a day of discussion and reflection on the work we do with digital collections and cultural heritage.
You can register, view the agenda, and learn more about speakers as they are added to our event page<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52614111&nr=5799095995>.
 Children’s literature is the theme of the latest issue of the Ohioana Quarterly, the flagship publication of the Ohioana Library. The cover story is about the Floyd's Pick Book Award . This award, presented in memory of children’s literature expert, advocate, and librarian Floyd Dickman, is given annually to a book written by an Ohio author or illustrated by an Ohio illustrator that is representative of high-quality literature created for children.

Read More<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52588449&nr=5799095995>
With the opening of the 2nd Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Form 471 filing window on September 28th, OPLIN has scheduled training dates to provide a step-by-step walk-through of the application.  In addition, new information/program clarifications received from the FCC and lessons learned from the 1st window will be discussed. OPLIN has scheduled both AM and PM sessions that will hopefully accommodate most of you and is appropriate for both school and library applicants.  Each session should last approximately 2.5 hours.

Read More<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52617777&nr=5799095995>

Email<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52599447&nr=5799095995> Us or Follow Us on Facebook<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52600669&nr=5799095995>

Template 11 - NEO-RLS News-September 13, 2021

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Northeast Ohio Regional Library System | 1737 Georgetown Rd., Suite B | Hudson, OH 44236

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