[OPLINLIST] Hold the date! Take 5 teen services event, Friday, May 6 in Columbus!

jdwyer at library.ohio.gov jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Mon Feb 7 11:47:59 EST 2022

[cid:image002.jpg at 01D81C18.8D1F4820]Cross-posted. Please excuse duplication.

Hold the date...
Take 5's 10th anniversary event
Take 5: Let's Talk About It - An Ohio Youth Services Day of Dialogue
Friday, May 6, 2022, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
IN PERSON! Main Library, Columbus Metropolitan Library, 96 S. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio

Take 5<https://library.ohio.gov/take5> is back! We had two great online events in 2020 and 2021, but we miss actually getting together to explore creative approaches, new ideas, collaboration, and network-building to inspire you and help you recharge.  For the tenth anniversary Take 5 event, the planning team is creating an unconventional professional development experience on the theme "Let's Talk About It" featuring Columbus-based author, artist, filmmaker, educator and mentor Donte Woods-Spikes<https://www.dontewoods-spikes.com/> and Jackie Calderone, founding director of multidisciplinary youth arts and mentoring program Transit Arts<https://transitarts.com/>.

Take 5 is a day of dialogue and discovery for public library teen and youth services specialists, school librarians, and other youth advocates. Take 5 events are packed with active learning opportunities, conversation, engaging speakers, and networking with allies in and beyond the library field. Attendees will exchange ideas, share successes, and inspire each other. Expect to be surprised, challenged, affirmed, and invigorated.

Registration will open in mid-February. Registration will be announced on this list and other Ohio library listservs, and will be posted to the Take 5 webpage<https://library.ohio.gov/take5> and Facebook page<https://www.facebook.com/Take5YouthServices>. The cost is just $30/person and will include lunch, morning refreshments, parking, and materials. Capacity will be limited to align with public health recommendations, so plan to register early to secure your spot. The event will not be recorded.

Past Take 5 attendees have told us:

  *   The speakers were amazing. I enjoyed every part of today's experience.
  *   There were a lot of great tips on interacting with teens in different circumstances. I felt validated in the ideas I already have in the works and I am excited to move forward and hopefully see more teens in the library!
  *   Excellent job with topics, content and delivery.
  *   Speakers and activities were all relevant and high-quality.
  *   Thanks for a wonderful day!

Take 5 is a peer-to-peer event, planned and produced by collaborating librarians with support from host libraries. Take 5 is also supported by the State Library of Ohio with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Learn more at library.ohio.gov/take5<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flibrary.ohio.gov%2Ftake5&data=02%7C01%7Cjdwyer%40library.ohio.gov%7C13ee32ee95544cddfa9e08d556b452a9%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C636510254836262704&sdata=lUMBoYDzpLwuh0VUoAqjHgTPnkISVG0Crjzi3tHvLug%3D&reserved=0>
Like Take 5 on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Take5YouthServices<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTake5YouthServices&data=02%7C01%7Cjdwyer%40library.ohio.gov%7C13ee32ee95544cddfa9e08d556b452a9%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C636510254836262704&sdata=4N9ZlhAAa9SagATjzHgL%2Fz8yqUkmfqU1cs01QW0c3B0%3D&reserved=0>

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Janet Ingraham Dwyer (she/her)
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-644-6910
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov<mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>

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