[OPLINLIST] Save the Date! Virtual Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon for Women's History Month starting March 26!

Donald Boozer donald.boozer at cpl.org
Sat Feb 26 14:48:08 EST 2022

The Ohio Center for the Book, in collaboration with the State Library of Ohio, is hosting a virtual Wikipedia Edit-a-thon from March 26​ through April 2​ to add information about Ohio women to the online encyclopedia. Full details are at https://ohiocenterforthebook.org/2022/01/05/ohio-women-on-wikipedia-edit-a-thon-march-2022/ as well as our Wikipedia Project Page at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Ohio/Ohio_Center_for_the_Book/Ohio_Women_on_Wikipedia_Edit-a-thon_2022. At the Wikipedia link, you can sign up as a participant, ask questions on the Talk page, and see lots of resources and tips.

If you haven't edited Wikipedia before, you'll find resources to get you started at the links above. We encourage people to take the next few weeks to learn, get comfortable with editing, gather information, then join us online March 26 through April 2.

The Ohio Center for the Book has also provided suggested articles to work on as well as places to find resources which can provide information to add. Don't forget your local library!

You can also sign up for the Edit-a-thon Dashboard at https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/courses/Ohio_Center_for_the_Book/Ohio_Women_on_Wikipedia_2022?enroll=zymuxfjc which will keep track of all participants' edits to share the work everyone does!

The Ohio Center for the Book is also looking for local libraries who would like to officially sponsor an in-person meeting during the week. Contact ohiocenterforthebook at cpl.org if you'd like your library to be listed on the website as a local partner!

Questions? Feel free to email ohiocenterforthebook at cpl.org or post questions at our Project Talk Page.

Don Boozer
Manager, Literature Department | Homebound Services
Coordinator, The Ohio Center for the Book
Cleveland Public Library
325 Superior Avenue NE | Cleveland, OH 44114
P: 216-902-4947

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