[OPLINLIST] Apply for Association for Rural & Small Libraries (ARSL) Conference Scholarships Today!

marshams at library.ohio.gov marshams at library.ohio.gov
Wed Apr 5 08:37:52 EDT 2023

Sent on behalf of the Association for Rural & Small Libraries.

2023 Conference Updates

ARSL Conference | September 20-23, 2023 | Wichita, KS

This year's conference theme is "Unite & Ignite"! Our conference provides an opportunity to unite as a professional community and foster a sense of togetherness across a nation of small but mighty libraries. When we come together to share and learn we'll light fires of innovation and change that can burn bright all year long.

Conference Scholarship Applications Open Today!

Each year the ARSL Grants, Awards & Scholarships (GAS) Committee<https://arsl.memberclicks.net/scholarship-committee> accepts applications for four competitive scholarships to facilitate attendance to the ARSL Conference.These scholarships are funded through generous donations to the ARSL Scholarship Fund by our members and supporters!

Application deadline: May 2, 2023

Interested applicants may apply for any/all scholarships for which they are eligible in a given year. All successful applicants will be awarded one (1) scholarship from among those applied for, as outlined on our Conference Scholarships page. Click the button below to learn more!

About ARSL Conference Scholarships

New This Year: The Empowering Library Workers of Color Conference Scholarship

Library workers of color have been, and in many places continue to be, given access to fewer opportunities for professional growth and advancement. Establishing this scholarship is part of ARSL’s ongoing commitment to cultivating an intentionally inclusive professional community that amplifies the voices and lived experiences of library workers of color while also acknowledging the persistent structural inequalities within our profession.

Applicants for this scholarship must be members of one or more marginalized and/or underrepresented ethnic, racial, or cultural identity groups within our profession (including but not limited to Black or African American; American Indian, First Nations, or Alaskan Native; Spanish, Hispanic, or Latine/a/o/x; Asian; Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, or other Pacific Islander; Middle Eastern or North African).

All conference scholarship applications will be submitted through our new Universal Application. Click the link below to access the application.

Apply for a Scholarship

Request for Program Proposals

The Request for Proposals (RFP) for 2023 ARSL Conference Sessions is open!

Are you a community engagement superstar? Have a storytime formula that can't be beat? Do your reader's advisory recommendations always hit the mark? We need YOU to present at ARSL 2023! The program presenters are the heart of the conference, bringing valuable skills and experience to share with fellow attendees.

Submission Deadline: April 25, 2023, 5:00 pm CT

Ready to get started? Download the sample RFP form<http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/12> to preview the questions. Check out our Tips for a Great Program Proposal<http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/13> to help polish your submission!

New this year: Pop-Up Program Demos

If the thought of lecturing at the front of the room turns your legs to jelly our pop-up program demos might be the opportunity you've been waiting for! These 20-minute sessions will give presenters the opportunity to demo a craft or other library program piece for small groups of attendees. These practical, actionable demo sessions will let programming pros share their ideas in a less intimidating, more familiar environment. Special consideration will be given to pop-up demos that incorporate intentional accessibility for patrons of different ages and ability levels.

Submit a Conference Session Proposal

Identifying & Overcoming Burnout: ARSL Professional Resource Discussion Group

The ARSL Professional Development Book Club is now the ARSL Professional Resource Discussion Group! A few times a year we invite members and nonmembers to come together to discuss a selection of resources on a specific topic of particular interest to the needs of library professionals working in small, rural libraries. The Continuing Education Committee will curate a list of suggested reading and listening material in a variety of formats and lengths in an effort to provide right-size resources for every schedule.

Spring 2023 Discussion Group

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 | Both sessions will discuss the same materials. Attend the session that fits your schedule!
Discussion 1: 3:30 p.m. PT/ 4:30 p.m. MT/5:30 p.m. CT/6:30 p.m. ET
Discussion 2: 6:30 p.m. PT/ 7:30 p.m. MT/8:30 p.m. CT/9:30 p.m. ET

This month's Professional Resource Discussion Group will focus on identifying and overcoming burnout. Read, listen to, and watch the resources below and come to one of the two sessions for an interactive discussion.

Library Leadership Podcast: Slow Librarianship<http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/15>
Burnout is About Your Workplace, Not Your People<http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/16>
Rekindling from Burnout Webinar<http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/17>
Libraries Transforming Communities Sustaining Yourself Worksheet<http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/18>

Register for a Discussion Group

Submit a Conference Proposal for PLA 2024

The Public Library Association (PLA) biannual conference is headed to Columbus, OH, April 3-5, 2024! Members of ARSL are inited to submit a proposal to share your idea for a workshop or program session. For the 2024 Conference, PLA is especially seeking proposals and speakers representing a wide range of diversity, with a commitment to representation of groups that have been historically marginalized or excluded due to race, gender identity, and expression, sexual orientation, ability, economic background, and age.

Submit a proposal<http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/20> to share your idea for a workshop or program session! Proposals for both in-person and virtual programs are being accepted. The deadline for submitting proposals is May 1, 2023, at 11:59 PM Eastern. Before getting started, you can preview the proposal form<http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/21> and check out PLA's recommendations for developing a great proposal<http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/22>.


Contact Info:

The Association for Rural & Small Libraries

PO BOX 33731, Seattle, WA, 98133

(206) 453-3579

info at arsl.org<http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/23>

Connect with Us:

Facebook <http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/24>
Twitter <http://arsl.memberclicks.net/message2/link/9915306e-5c03-4926-99fd-cbafdbd04006/25>

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The Association for Rural & Small Libraries • PO Box 33731, Seattle, Washington 98133, United States • 206-453-3579<tel:206-453-3579>
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