[OPLINLIST] Christmas Movie Trivia

Alecia Pocatko apocatko at acdl.info
Wed Dec 6 16:05:24 EST 2023

Thank you for sharing this!

On Wed, Dec 6, 2023 at 2:09 PM Greenford Community Library via OPLINLIST <
oplinlist at lists.oplin.org> wrote:

> If anyone is interested I have attached a PDF of  Holiday (and
> Non-Christmas-Christmas) Movie Trivia.
> Our trivia nights tend to have tough questions but I always throw in some
> easy ones. Just don't come to our trivia night with the answer sheet lol.
> *Greenford Community Library *
> *7441 South Range Road*
> *Salem, Ohio 44460*
> *PO BOX 98 *
> *Greenford, OH 44422*
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Alecia Pocatko

Technical Services Coordinator

Ashtabula County District Library System | 440-990-2332

Gather | Read | Discover | Transform

<https://www.instagram.com/acdlibraries/> <http://www.acdl.info/>
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