[OPLINLIST] OPLIN 2-part webinar series: some seats still available!

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.ohio.gov
Thu Feb 23 09:00:00 EST 2023

**Seats are still available for this series!**
(Part 1 of 2) Web3: Not Your Grandmother’s Web
It might seem like only yesterday that Web 2.0 was new and shiny, but
there’s a new kid on the online block who is bringing a number of newer
technologies to play. Learn what makes the next iteration of the WWW
different from its predecessors, and what new things it is already making
possible.We’ll also discuss what some of these new digital components might
mean for libraries in the not-too-far future as Web3 continues to
evolve. *Register
here*: https://events.library.ohio.gov/event/10188955

(Part 2 of 2) The Metaverse: What Is It and Should Libraries Care?
There’s been a lot of recent hype around the concept of “the metaverse,”
but is it really new, and is it actually already here? In this webinar,
we’ll discuss not only what the metaverse is (or could be), but what it can
do, and how it might relate to libraries. *Register here*:

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*Laura Solomon,  MCIW, MLS *(She/her)
*Library Services Manager,* Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
(614) 752-0792 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.ohio.gov | https://oplin.ohio.gov
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