[OPLINLIST] Explora Updates on Ohio Web Library

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Tue Nov 7 12:44:25 EST 2023


There are a few new developments with Explora in the Ohio Web Library:

   - There are now updated collections for Explora for Primary Schools
   <https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/explora-primary> and Explora for Secondary
   Schools <https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/explora-secondary>.
   - There is a new collection for Explora for Middle Schools
   - All of these new and updated collections now align with our LCO
   partner for PreK-12 students, INFOhio <https://www.infohio.org>.

And there are some developments on the way soon:

   - The EBSCO "DIY" resources, including Hobbies and Crafts Reference
   Center <https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/hobbies-and-crafts-reference-center>,
   Improvement Reference Center
   <https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/home-improvement-reference-center>, and Small
   Business Reference Center
   <https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/small-business-reference-center> will be
   moving to the Explora interface *around December 11*.
   - These resources will also change their names
   at that time:
      - Hobbies & Crafts Source
      - Home Improvement Source
      - Small Business Source
   - Again, these changes are expected for Ohio public libraries *around
   December 11*.

Questions? Let us know at https://support.oplin.org.

Best wishes,

Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
614-728-5252 (OPLIN Support)
614-728-0227 (direct)
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