[OPLINLIST] OhioDIG 5/21 "Your Wish is Granted!: Digitization Grants in Ohio" - in person @ OHC

Adam Wanter awanter at midpointelibrary.org
Mon Apr 15 14:39:05 EDT 2024

Please join the Ohio Digitization Interest Group for our May in-person meeting at 10AM on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at the Ohio History Center to learn about grants.

Registration: Open until Friday, May 17, 5pm, or until room capacity of 50 is reached. https://forms.gle/XYdVgbbihEr4yMZo7

Topic:  Your Wish is Granted!: Digitization Grants in Ohio

Looking for a way to fund your next digitization project? Join us at the Ohio History Connection for the first in-person OhioDIG meeting of 2024 to learn about some of the grants available for your institution. Representatives from the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board and the State Library of Ohio will discuss grants they offer, and we will also hear a first-hand account of one institution’s experiences with applying for and receiving grants. (See also: OhioDIG grants resource page at https://ohiodig.org/resources/ohio-grants )


— "OHRAB Grants<https://ohrab.org/grants/>." Tina Ratcliff, chair, Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board<https://ohrab.org/>, and Montgomery County Records & Information manager, Montgomery County Records Center & Archives.

— "LSTA Grants<https://library.ohio.gov/libraries/grants>." Jeff Regensburger, library consultant–LSTA coordinator, State Library of Ohio<https://library.ohio.gov/>.

—"Grants Case Study." Shelby Beatty, archivist/records manager, Sinclair College<https://www.sinclair.edu/about/offices/archives/>.

Program Contacts: Ashely Rodriguez (arodriguez at ohiohistory.org<mailto:arodriguez at ohiohistory.org>), Ohio History Connection & Emily Rinaman (rinamaem at tiffinsenecalibrary.org<mailto:rinamaem at tiffinsenecalibrary.org>), Tiffin-Seneca Public Library

Host: Ashely Rodriguez (arodriguez at ohiohistory.org<mailto:arodriguez at ohiohistory.org>), Ohio History Connection

Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 10:00AM-1:00PM

Site: Ohio History Center,  Cardinal Classroom, 3rd floor, 800 E. 17th Ave, Columbus, OH, 43211. At the intersection of I-71 & 17th Ave (Exit 111). https://www.ohiohistory.org/visit/ohio-history-center/

Food: Coffee/tea & light snacks will be offered at the start of the meeting. Lunch will be brown bag.

Cost: FREE! There is no fee for attending, but we will be accepting cash donations for the refreshment kitty. Thank you to the institutions who host us, our volunteer speakers, and program committee!


— 10:00am-10:30am: Coffee Social (coffee/tea, and light snacks) & Welcome
— 10:30am-11:30am: Presentation & discussion
— 11:30am -11:45am: Break/rearrange room
— 11:45am-1:00pm: Brown bag lunch*, announcements, and all-attendee update. (We will do our usual Round Robin where all attendees have a chance to share what they are working on, and ask digitization-related questions of the group.)

— 1:10pm-1:25pm-: Optional: Brief tour of Digital Services Department and scanners.

*The café on the second floor will be open--they have premade sandwiches/salads. There are also vending machines.

Parking: Free, onsite.

About OhioDIG: The Ohio Digitization Interest Group is an informal discussion group open to all with an interest in cultural heritage digitization, description, access, and digital preservation. https://ohiodig.org<https://ohiodig.org/>


Janet Carleton| Digital Initiatives Coordinator | Digital Initiatives | Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections, Preservation & Digital Initiatives | OHIO University Libraries | Alden 333 | Athens, Ohio | 740.597.2527 | carleton at ohio.edu<mailto:carleton at ohio.edu> | https://media.library.ohio.edu<https://media.library.ohio.edu/> | she/her/hers

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