[OPLINLIST] Author Visit

Laura Klein kleinla at massillonlibrary.org
Wed Jun 5 13:46:37 EDT 2024

Hi, all-

If anyone is interested in a presentation by Ohio author Brandon Weis on his hiking journey and subsequent book, he is coming to Navarre for a program on July 25 in the evening and in search of other bookings for around that date to make his trip worthwhile. His info is below (please read and see the photos! looks fascinating) and his email is brandonweis97 at gmail.com

Laura A. Klein

Barry Askren Memorial Branch Library Manager | Massillon Public Library

1200 Market St NE | Navarre, OH 44662

Front Desk 330-791-7061 | Office Phone 330-791-7062

Laura the Library Lady Podcast https://www.youtube.com/@MassillonLibrary/podcasts

kleinla at massillonlibrary.org

Main Library 208 Lincoln Way East, Massillon, OH  44646 www.massillonlibrary.org<http://www.massillonlibrary.org/>

"I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian who crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved."

     -Barbara Kingsolver


My presentation is about the journey of me hiking over 8,000 miles in 2021 on the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, and Arizona Trail. This is a challenge in the hiking world known as the Calendar Year Triple Crown. When I set out to do it, only 10 other people had every done those first 3 trails in one year, and I was the first to ever do those 4 in a single year (normally it takes skilled hikers 5-6 months to do a single one). For scale, the year entailed me hiking from Georgia to Maine, Mexico to Canada on the west coast, Canada to Mexico through the Rockies, and from Utah to Mexico through Arizona. I’ve attached a picture of the book cover to give scale of the routes I hiked. I camped outside for 327 days in the year, experienced temperatures from 20 below 0 up to 111, got frostbite, encountered bears and wolves, endured foot pain beyond belief, crossed paths with some of the most kindhearted people I’ve ever met, and much more.

The book is titled “This is Gonna Hurt.<https://amzn.to/3Q0jSDc>” My presentation is essentially a much condensed version of the book. It is about the logistics of a hike like that, the emotional and physical toll, why someone would want to do it, and everything else under the sun that goes into an adventure like that. It is an adventure for people interested in the outdoors, but it is also an inspirational story of determination, endurance, and achieving goals.

Here is also a short blurb that I have to a library for a radio ad if you want to pull anything from it.

"Have you ever thought about hiking across the country? What about doing it 3 times in one year? Maybe not. But if that sounds interesting to you, come listen to Brandon Weis speak at the Marvin Memorial Library about his Calendar Year Triple Crown hike in 2021 on the Appalachian Trail Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, and Arizona Trail. From Georgia to Maine, from Mexico to Canada, from Canada to Mexico, and from Utah to Mexico, his year of hiking entailed carrying a backpack of 20-30 pounds for over 8,000 miles in the dead of winter at -20 degrees through the scorching summer of 111. Through frostbite, injury, sheer exhaustion, and more — he endured.

When he set out on his journey to hike the Triple Crown in a year, only 10 people had ever done it, but that didn’t deter him. Come and hear his story of determination, grit, and perseverance through America’s most beautiful and rugged landscapes!”

Please let me know if you need anything else! I look forward to hearing back from you!

Brandon Weis

<brandon_weis 3 ebook.jpg>



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