[OPLINLIST] NEW: Library Directory search - Mobile Public Library (AL)

Beth Barker bethbarker at BradburyMiller.com
Thu Nov 7 14:45:57 EST 2024

Library Director - Mobile Public Library (AL)

The Mobile Public Library<https://www.mobilepubliclibrary.org/> (AL) Board of Trustees is seeking a visionary leader to continue the legacy of excellence as the Library Director. This exceptional library advocate will exhibit adaptability, excellent internal and external communication skills, lead with empathy and compassion, and posit the library as an innovative educational institution and valuable community partner in Mobile. Serving a population of over 400,000 people, Mobile Public Library has eleven library branch locations and one bookmobile. Boasting 123.5 FTE, library highlights include a thriving Local History and Genealogy Division and the historic Ben May Main Library, established in 1928 and on the National Register of Historic Places. It is known as one of the "most beautiful libraries in the state." Key initiatives for this position include building new and bolstering existing partnerships within the school system and community, increasing community engagement, and developing strategic long-range plans for the organization.

Mobile, Alabama is experiencing rapid growth and development in a diverse and versatile area. With easy access to Alabama's beaches, New Orleans, Atlanta, and Pensacola, Mobile benefits from charming neighborhoods, delicious seafood, historical districts, and rural or urban neighborhoods with an affordable cost of living and rich history-making it an excellent place to stay or visit. A plethora of amenities include botanical gardens, art and history museums, an aquatic center, historical and cultural landmarks and experiences such as Mardi Gras. Located on the Gulf Coast, Mobile enjoys a subtropical climate, long growing season and averages 220 days of sunshine per year. There are multiple ways to experience the outdoors, whether it's exploring the trails at Blakely State Park on foot, or discovering the Mobile-Tensaw Delta by boat, the largest river delta and wetland in Alabama. Other must-see places and people include the Mobile Symphony Orchestra,<https://mobilesymphony.org/> USS Alabama<https://www.ussalabama.com/>, Clotilda: The Exhibition at Africatown Heritage House,<https://ahc.alabama.gov/Clotilda.aspx> and the Excelsior Band.<http://www.excelsiorband1883.com/>

Responsibilities: Reporting to a seven-member governing library board, the Library Director develops overall plans for the library including strategic plans, major projects, service initiatives, and operational enhancements. This individual formulates budgets and presentations to funding authorities and negotiates support from multiple funding agencies; monitors the progress of major projects, actively participates in all capital projects including working closely with architects, contractors, designers, and vendors. The Library Director builds partnerships with other agencies, businesses, and groups; negotiates contracts and agreements; promotes library services and helps devise fundraising programs and strategies. The director exhibits comprehensive knowledge of the principles, methods and practices of public library administration, library management, facilities management, and community needs; a wide knowledge of economic and social trends as they relate to library development, technology trends, publishing and content trade/marketplace. The director will establish and maintain effective working relationships with the governing board, community leaders, public officials, citizen groups, professional groups, and the public. See the full job description linked on our website<https://host.pcrecruiter.net/pcrbin/jobboard.aspx?JOBSHARET354COFSARQWJID2VNNGPZADMN5GL22MWTZMKZTK7SPO2F5NKMM3GO4AHRHDTFDVMQ4BDHRVWYHORML7WGA5AUY25SW6TWJB763A> for additional responsibilities and preferred qualifications.

Qualifications: The ideal candidate will possess a master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution and a minimum of five years of progressively responsible experience in administration for a public library system that includes the oversight of budgets and personnel. Experience with major capital construction projects and multiple branches is preferred.

Compensation: The hiring salary range is $108,000 - $132,000 (with placement negotiable dependent on experience and qualifications) and an excellent fringe benefits package.

For further information, contact Bradbury Miller Associates<https://bradburymiller.com/> (https://bradburymiller.com/). Apply with a meaningful cover letter and resume via our application portal<https://bradburymiller-my.sharepoint.com/personal/bethbarker_bradburymiller_com/Documents/All%20Contract%20Stuff/01%20Open%20Contracts/Mobile%20Public%20Library%20(AL)/portal> (https://bradburymiller.com/current-clients/) by clicking on Mobile Public Library and the apply button. This position closes on Sunday, December 15, 2024.

View the most up to date version of this announcement in its entirety along with accompanying links on our website<https://host.pcrecruiter.net/pcrbin/jobboard.aspx?JOBSHARET354COFSARQWJID2VNNGPZADMN5GL22MWTZMKZTK7SPO2F5NKMM3GO4AHRHDTFDVMQ4BDHRVWYHORML7WGA5AUY25SW6TWJB763A> (https://bradburymiller.com/current-clients/).

Beth Barker (she/her)
Director of Finance and Communication
Bradbury Miller Associates
330-340-7115 | Dover, OH | bradburymiller.com<http://bradburymiller.com/>
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