[OPLINLIST] Reminder... the WhoFi Suite of Services webinar is on November 13

marshams at library.ohio.gov marshams at library.ohio.gov
Fri Nov 8 13:56:40 EST 2024

This webinar hosted by WhoFi will review a suite of freely available services and tools your library can start taking advantage of immediately.  We will cover WhoFi's WiFi Analytics service which helps you gather data about WiFi usage at your library, Community Calendar, calendar software which can be incorporated easily into your library's website,  Meeting Rooms platform that manages your bookings of physical spaces, and Question Sets which allows libraries to collect, organize, visualize, and report on all the various library data elements for boards, local government, advocacy, and the state annual survey.

If your library only uses one of the suite of services or none, this webinar is for you!  Come see if any of the suite of services is the right cure for your reporting and administrative headaches when it comes to programming, space management, or data collection.

November 13, 2024
2-3 pm ET

For questions, please contact Library Consultant Anne Kennedy at akennedy at library.ohio.gov<mailto:akennedy at library.ohio.gov>


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Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
Director, Marketing & Communications
State Library of Ohio
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614.644.6875
marshams at library.ohio.gov<mailto:marshams at library.ohio.gov>

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