[OPLINLIST] Bicycles for public use

Chad Neeper cneeper at level9networks.com
Tue Nov 12 12:13:15 EST 2024

I just had a conversation with a county organization hoping to work with
one of "my" libraries (and another nearby library) to provide some
adaptable bicycles for use by patrons with special needs. The two bikes
would be located outside near the front entrance, but out of sight of and
some 50-60 feet from the main circ desk. The staff don't want to be
required to leave the desk to lock/unlock the bikes for patrons, so they're
looking for some sort of locking solution. I came to be involved in the
conversation because the organization's (very non-technical) representative
was told they may need some sort of Bluetooth lock and a Bluetooth bridge
to connect to the library's network and latched onto that concept. Not
being a bike rider myself, I'm not aware of all the latest unnecessarily
electronic methods for locking bikes and started looking at the problem a
little differently...including low-tech, which I think seemed to help the
representative consider some various solutions, especially with only two
bikes. But it seems like there may be some sort of solution out there
already in use at libraries that could perhaps be applicable here. While
this isn't my project, I *AM* curious to know if other libraries are
offering bikes or other objects stored outdoors using a fully- or
semi-automated self-service lock in a way similar to what a bike might
need. If you have something similar I'd love to hear about your solution
and how it works. If there's anything relevant, I'll absolutely pass it
along to the representative. It's a worthwhile project and nobody involved
has any experience in this type of thing, so I figured I'd ask the
Collective Wisdom for advice.

Thanks in advance!

*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer

*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

*Full IT/Computer consulting services -- Specialized in public libraries*
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