[OPLINTECH] CDR/W for public workstations

Greg Syferd gsyferd@columbuslibrary.org
Wed, 23 Feb 2005 16:24:24 -0500

I concur, Deepfreeze here at CML has more then paid for itself in less
then a year.   The amount of time we have saved meticulously locking
down our workstations and dealing with spyware has been negated...reboot
the machine and it is back to square one.


(I too am not associated with Faronics ;-)

>>> "Chad Neeper" <CNeeper@nrg92.com> 2/12/2005 11:14:37 PM >>>

We similarly lock down our patron workstations using Windows group
policies and PWB. However, you might consider adding Deep Freeze into
the mix, especially if you're planning to allow patrons to have open
access to the CDRW drive with their own cds. DF easily pays for
itself...and very quickly!


(Neither I nor the company I work for has anything at all to do with
Faronics, the developer that makes Deep Freeze, other than appreciating
and using a great product!)

Chad Neeper
Senior Systems Engineer
Network Response Group

--  Full LAN/WAN consulting services specialized in libraries and
schools  --

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